John 18:1-11.  “To give over; to give into the hands of another” ( Thayer ).  “To disappoint, prove undependable; to abandon or forsake” ( Word Web.


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Presentation transcript:

John 18:1-11

 “To give over; to give into the hands of another” ( Thayer ).  “To disappoint, prove undependable; to abandon or forsake” ( Word Web ).

 Matt 10:21-23 – Now brother will deliver up brother to death, & a father his child; & children will rise up against parents & cause them to be put to death. 22 And you will be hated by all for My name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.

 Betrayal price – Zech 11:12-13; Matt 27  Betrayed by a friend –  John 13:18-19 – “I do not speak concerning all of you. I know whom I have chosen; but that the Scripture may be fulfilled, ‘He who eats bread with Me has lifted up his heel against Me.’ (Psa 41:9) 19 Now I tell you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe that I am He.”

 John 6:64, – “But there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, & who would betray Him. 70 Jesus answered them, “Did I not choose you, the twelve, & one of you is a devil?” 71 He spoke of Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, for it was he who would betray Him, being one of the twelve.

 Matt 26:24-25 – “The Son of Man indeed goes just as it is written of Him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had not been born.” 25 Then Judas, who was betraying Him, answered & said, “Rabbi, is it I?” He said to him, “You have said it.”

 Acts 2:23 – Him, being delivered by the determined purpose & foreknowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified, & put to death. ◦ Satan entered Judas (Lk 22:3) ◦ But Satan can be resisted (Jas 4:7)

 The betrayal was carried out at night, a time when all sin multiplies.  The betrayal was so obviously wrong, & yet it was carried out anyway.  Jesus, the Innocent, was treated as a dangerous criminal.

 Eph 5:2 – And walk in love, AS Christ also has loved us & given Himself for us, an offering & a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.  1:7 – In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.

 Matt 26:63-64 – Jesus kept silent. And the high priest answered & said to Him, “I put You under oath by the living God: Tell us if You are the Christ, the Son of God!” 64 Jesus said to him, “It is as you said. Nevertheless, I say to you, hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power, & coming on the clouds of heaven.”

 John 18:7-9 – Then He asked them again, “Whom are you seeking?” And they said, “Jesus of Nazareth.” 8 Jesus answered, “I have told you that I am He. Therefore, if you seek Me, let these go their way,” 9 that the saying might be fulfilled which He spoke, “Of those whom You gave Me I have lost none” (Jn 17:12).

Demonstrates: Foreknowledge & wisdom of God Degradation of our sins Sacrificial love of Jesus

Believe the gospel of Jesus Christ John 8:24; 20:30-31; Rom 1:16; 10:10 Repent or turn from your sins Luke 24:46-47; Acts 2:38; 3:19; 17:30-31 Confess your faith in Christ Matt 10:32-33; Rom 10:9-10 Be immersed in water Matt 28:19; Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38; Rom 6:3-4; 1 Pet 3:21 Live in obedience to Christ 1 Peter 1:14; Rev 2:10