We need to replace the unhealthy motivations through the development of positive leadership traits called virtues. Virtue ethics = Good people make good moral choices Three important features of virtues ◦ Virtues are woven into inner life of leaders ◦ They shape the way leaders see and behave ◦ They operate independently of the situation
Courage – overcoming fear in order to do the right thing ◦ Courageous leaders acknowledge the dangers they face and their anxieties, yet they move forward despite the risks and costs. ◦ Because of its association with bravery and heroism, courage is the most universally admired ◦ People must have courage if they are to act morally and exert moral influence ◦ They strive to create ethical environments even when faced with opposition from superiors and subordinates
Integrity – wholeness or completeness. ◦ Leaders who have integrity are true to. themselves. What they do and say publically is how they are privately. ◦ Nothing undermines a leader’s authority more quickly than a lack of integrity. Trust is broken and performance suffers. ◦ Those who work in a trusting environment are more productive and have better working relationships.
Humility- encourage being humble ◦ Three components – self awareness (objectively assess her/his strengths and limitations), openness (knowing one’s weaknesses), transcendence (acknowledging that there is a power greater than themselves.) ◦ Humble leaders are less likely to be corrupted by power, claim excessive privileges, abuse, fraud. ◦ They act as role models
Reverence – the ability to feel a sense of awe, respect, and shame when appropriate ◦ Reverent leaders respect input of others, rely on persuasion rather than force, and listen to follower’s ideas ◦ Shame can prompt self-sacrifice by accepting the consequences of telling the truth
Optimism – expect positive outcomes even if currently experiencing disappoint or difficulty ◦ More likely to persist in face of adversity. They acknowledge reality of situation and take steps to improve. Pessimist try to escape problem through any means ◦ Followers are more likely to rally behind someone who appears confident and has positive image
Compassion- put others ahead of yourself ◦ Value others whether they get anything in return. ◦ Recognize that they serve purposes of the group ◦ Seek power and exercise influence on behalf of followers ◦ Unethical leaders don’t show compassion and are more likely to try to control and manipulate followers.
Justice – sense of obligation to common good and treating others as equally and fairly as possible ◦ Believe everyone deserves same rights. ◦ Just leaders have moral obligation to consider needs and interests of entire group. They set their personal biases aside when making choices
Finding Role Models ◦ we often learn what it means to be virtuous by observing and imitating quality leaders Telling and Living Collective Stories - virtues are more likely to take root when they are nurtured by families, schools, governments, and religion. Shared stories can explain and persuade
Learning from Hardship ◦ Leaders develop fastest when they encounter situations that stretch or challenge them. 5 Types of Hardships 1. Business mistakes and failures – help leaders build stronger working relationships, recognize their limitations and profit from mistakes 2. Career Setbacks – function as a wake-up call, by providing feedback about weaknesses. Encourage leaders to take more responsibility for managing their career
3. Personal Trauma – drives home the point that cant control everything in the world around you. Learn to strike better balance in work and personal life 4. Problem Employees – learn how important it is to hold followers to high standards, and a leader becomes more skilled at confrontation 5. Downsizing – helps with coping skills and develop greater empathy for the feeling of followers
Pick a leader you admire ◦ Tell what he/she has done to be considered a leader ◦ Determine what is that persons moment of truth and what they learned from that experience