WELCOME LETS MAKE THIS A GREAT YEAR If your schedule says Earth Science or Science with Mrs. Carson in room 205 then you are in the right place. Please sit anywhere for today, assigned seats will happen tomorrow. Please don’t disappoint me today by not being appropriately behaved sitting next to neighbor. Please sit anywhere for today, assigned seats will happen tomorrow. Please don’t disappoint me today by not being appropriately behaved sitting next to neighbor. You only get 1 time to make a first impression.
PROMPT Arrive on time (tardy slips will be issued) Enter quickly and ready to start Turn in any assignment that is due Check the agenda board/smart board for any information/activity. Be ready to participate, leave all the other “stuff at the door.”
PREPARED Bring/get the materials need for class Please check laptop cart for need of computer; get it immediately Personal electronics away unless instructed other wise Make sure you have somehting to write with “the least you can do to participate in your education is to have brought something to write with.”
PRODUCTIVE Maximize your time in class to reduce your time outside of class. Stay on task Follow directions/seek assistance if you do not understand. Please remain seated unless you have permission to move. Make sure if you are leaving you are able to risk the missed time.
POLITE BE NICE OR NEUTRAL TO EVERYONE Watch your language inappropriate speech will not be tolerated. DO NOT ARGUE! Don’t touch others or their belongings If it does not belong to you, do not write, draw, tear or carve in it. DO NOT TOUCH OR REMOVE MRS. CARSON’S BELONGINGS.
PATIENT Wait for an appropriate time to ask relevant questions during Mrs. Carson’s instruction. If working with other students, ask 3 than me (Mrs. Carson) Please be patient when needing Mrs. Carson’s attention, do not yell and complain. Listen and track any speaker. Accept that you may put on “hold” temporarily as another student is being helped.
LEFT SIDE Teacher input items: Teacher Notes (we will use Cornell note taker) Video/Article reading Vocab Instructions/Directions
RIGHT SIDE STUDENT input items: Activators/Summarizers Practice and checks for understanding Labs and activities/webquests/simulations etc. Journal/writing responses
FORMAT FOR “INB” Must be spiral bound notebook, single subject we will use several this year. Classroom expectations will be in front inside cover of each notebook (all entries will be glued in using a glue stick; no staples/glue) First sheet (right) is always your “license plate”…have it show me something about you and a goal. Second sheet is the table of contents for each unit
FORMAT FOR “INB” Number each page starting with # 1 on the second sheet (left) This notebook becomes your comprehensive study guide for each unit….DO NOT LOOSE IT. INB is graded as a quiz at the end of each unit. Some individual assignments will be graded as they are completed (if they are to be included in the INB) you will leave space for them and add them when returned.
GRADING District policy is in effect – 50% tests and performance/unit end assessments (posters, projects, etc.) – 25% quizzes and smaller topic performance assessments; Interactive notebook check – 15% classwork – 10% homework IF YOU ARE ABSENT YOU HAVE 1 DAY FOR 1 DAY AS PER DISTRICT POLICY…ALWAYS CHECK CANVAS
Contact Mrs. Carson Stop by before school or after school until 3pm, room 205 Give note or message to office secretary to put in my mailbox