▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank AP/Reuters thousands of, stuck, checked into, interfere with, concentrated on * 총 33 문항, 각 문제당 3 점씩 배점 1. blizzard2. dump 3. feet4. power failure 5. topple6. reduce 7. pedestrian pathway8. outage 9. peak10. heat 11. storm12. resident 13. abandon14. trap 15. snowplow16. concentrate 17. artery18. occasionally 19. transportation20. official 21. The Washington region was paralyzed by a blizzard that dumped more than two feet of heavy snow there, causing power failure for hundreds of ______________ _ people. 워싱턴 지역이 수 만 명이 피해를 본 정전 사태와 인도만 남길 정도로 2 피트가 넘게 내린 폭설로 인해 마비되었다. 22. Some residents abandoned their cold, dark houses and ________________ hotels. 일부 주민들은 그들의 춥고 어두운 집을 버리고 호텔에 투숙했다. 23. Others were trapped on side streets as snowplows _________________ keeping major arteries clear. 다른 사람들은 제설차들이 주요 도로의 눈을 치우는데 집중했기 때문에 갓길에 갇혀 있었다. 24. So much snow fell, nonstop, that even plows occasionally became __________________. 너무나 많은 눈이 쉼 없이 내려 제설차 마저 가끔씩 꼼짝하지 못했다. 25. District transportation officials warned of huge snow banks at intersections and said they would ________________ motorists’ sight lines for days to come. 지역의 교통 관료들은 교차로의 큰 눈 언덕들에 대해 경고하고 그것들이 앞으로 며칠 동안 운전 자들의 시야를 방해할 것이라고 경고했다.
▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. Snowstorm Stops Washington, D.C. The Washington region was paralyzed by a blizzard that dumped more than two feet of heavy snow there, causing power failure for hundreds of thousands of people, toppling trees and reducing many streets to pedestrian pathways. Almost 218,000 homes and businesses were without power at the outages’ peak, and many had no heat at the height of the storm. Some residents abandoned their cold, dark houses and checked into hotels. Others were trapped on side streets as snowplows concentrated on keeping major arteries clear. So much snow fell, nonstop, that even plows occasionally became stuck. District transportation officials warned of huge snow banks at intersections and said they would interfere with motorists’ sight lines for days to come. ”This is the worst,” said Joan Mancuso, 70, who has lived in her two-story house on Tilden wood Drive in Rockville for 41 years. Across the region, snowfall totals approached or broke records. For the first time in at least 30 years, the U.S. Postal Service did not deliver mail. Popular attractions such as the Washington Monument, the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials, Smithsonian museums and the White House were closed to visitors. The blizzard of 2010 arrived with plenty of warning that it would be epic, and the storm dubbed “Snowmageddon” did not disappoint AP/Reuters 26. Why did some residents of Washington check into hotels? ① They were trapped in the streets far away from their homes. ② There was a massive snowstorm. ③ The snowstorm limited visibility so they were unable to drive home. ④ The snowstorm had knocked out he power and heating from their homes. 27. Which of the following was not a result of the snowstorm? ① Popular attractions such as memorials and museums were closed to the public. ② The U.S. Postal Service delivered mail. ③ Homes and businesses were without power. ④ Snow plows became stuck in the streets. 28. Which of the following words from the article most closely means the word 'astronomical'? ① Epic ② Outages ③ Blizzard ④ Major
☞ Write True(T) or False(F). Structure ☞ Make a sentence. You can change the form of the following English words. 33. Do you mind if we go there with your two ? (brother-in-law) AP/Reuters 29. What can be inferred from the expression 'Snowmageddon did not disappoint' in the article? ① Citizens of Washington D.C. thought the blizzard was exciting and were happy to have it. ② Citizens of Washington D.C. were disappointed that the snowfall didn't last longer. ③ The blizzard lived up to its billing in that it was going to be a massive storm the area had not seen before. ④ Tourists were disappointed because the White House and other famous attractions had been closed. 30. Washington made it a priority to clear up the side streets first. _____ 31. The blizzard set a record for the most snowfall in the history of the area. _____ 32. There was so much snowfall, the White House shut down completely during the blizzard. _____
▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank AP/Reuters thousands of, stuck, checked into, interfere with, concentrated on * 총 33 문항, 각 문제당 3 점씩 배점 1. blizzard [ 폭설 ]2. dump [ 버리다 ] 3. feet [1 피트 ( 약 30cm)]4. power failure [ 정전 ] 5. topple [ 넘어뜨리다 ]6. reduce [ 줄이다 ] 7. pedestrian pathway [ 인도 ]8. outage [ 정전 ] 9. peak [ 최고점 ]10. heat [ 열 ] 11. storm [ 폭풍 ]12. resident [ 거주자 ] 13. abandon [ 버리다 ]14. trap [ 가두다 ] 15. snowplow [ 제설차 ]16. concentrate [ 집중하다 ] 17. artery [ 큰 도로 ]18. occasionally [ 때때로 ] 19. transportation [ 교통 ]20. official [ 관리 ] 21. The Washington region was paralyzed by a blizzard that dumped more than two feet of heavy snow there, causing power failure for hundreds of thousands of people. 워싱턴 지역이 수 만 명이 피해를 본 정전 사태와 인도만 남길 정도로 2 피트가 넘게 내린 폭설로 인해 마비되었다. 22. Some residents abandoned their cold, dark houses and checked into hotels. 일부 주민들은 그들의 춥고 어두운 집을 버리고 호텔에 투숙했다. 23. Others were trapped on side streets as snowplows concentrated on keeping major arteries clear. 다른 사람들은 제설차들이 주요 도로의 눈을 치우는데 집중했기 때문에 갓길에 갇혀 있었다. 24. So much snow fell, nonstop, that even plows occasionally became stuck. 너무나 많은 눈이 쉼 없이 내려 제설차 마저 가끔씩 꼼짝하지 못했다. 25. District transportation officials warned of huge snow banks at intersections and said they would interfere with motorists’ sight lines for days to come. 지역의 교통 관료들은 교차로의 큰 눈 언덕들에 대해 경고하고 그것들이 앞으로 며칠 동안 운전 자들의 시야를 방해할 것이라고 경고했다.
▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. Snowstorm Stops Washington, D.C. The Washington region was paralyzed by a blizzard that dumped more than two feet of heavy snow there, causing power failure for hundreds of thousands of people, toppling trees and reducing many streets to pedestrian pathways. Almost 218,000 homes and businesses were without power at the outages’ peak, and many had no heat at the height of the storm. Some residents abandoned their cold, dark houses and checked into hotels. Others were trapped on side streets as snowplows concentrated on keeping major arteries clear. So much snow fell, nonstop, that even plows occasionally became stuck. District transportation officials warned of huge snow banks at intersections and said they would interfere with motorists’ sight lines for days to come. ”This is the worst,” said Joan Mancuso, 70, who has lived in her two-story house on Tilden wood Drive in Rockville for 41 years. Across the region, snowfall totals approached or broke records. For the first time in at least 30 years, the U.S. Postal Service did not deliver mail. Popular attractions such as the Washington Monument, the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials, Smithsonian museums and the White House were closed to visitors. The blizzard of 2010 arrived with plenty of warning that it would be epic, and the storm dubbed “Snowmageddon” did not disappoint AP/Reuters 26. Why did some residents of Washington check into hotels? [4] ① They were trapped in the streets far away from their homes. ② There was a massive snowstorm. ③ The snowstorm limited visibility so they were unable to drive home. ④ The snowstorm had knocked out he power and heating from their homes. 27. Which of the following was not a result of the snowstorm? [2] ① Popular attractions such as memorials and museums were closed to the public. ② The U.S. Postal Service delivered mail. ③ Homes and businesses were without power. ④ Snow plows became stuck in the streets. 28. Which of the following words from the article most closely means the word 'astronomical'? [1] ① Epic ② Outages ③ Blizzard ④ Major
☞ Write True(T) or False(F). Structure ☞ Make a sentence. You can change the form of the following English words. 33. Do you mind if we go there with your two brothers-in-law? (brother-in-law) AP/Reuters 29. What can be inferred from the expression 'Snowmageddon did not disappoint' in the article? [3] ① Citizens of Washington D.C. thought the blizzard was exciting and were happy to have it. ② Citizens of Washington D.C. were disappointed that the snowfall didn't last longer. ③ The blizzard lived up to its billing in that it was going to be a massive storm the area had not seen before. ④ Tourists were disappointed because the White House and other famous attractions had been closed. 30. Washington made it a priority to clear up the side streets first. [F] 31. The blizzard set a record for the most snowfall in the history of the area. [T] 32. There was so much snowfall, the White House shut down completely during the blizzard. [F]