peace, joy and life in christ romans 5
chs the foundations of salvation jew and gentile alike stand condemned by their wrongdoing jew and gentile alike may be declared righteous by means of ‘the redemption that came by christ jesus’ all those (jew and gentile) who exercise faith toward god through jesus christ are now the children of abraham and inheritors of the promises made to him
5:1-5 - hope does not disappoint us peace with god through our lord jesus christ boasting in hope of god’s glory boasting in our sufferings suffering – perseverance – character - hope hope confirmed by the presence of the holy spirit
5: how much more… god’s love exemplified at the cross on which a good man died for sinners god is a completer-finisher where salvation is concerned boasting in god through our lord jesus christ
5: the glory of the ‘gift’ context – genesis 1-3 vs sin through one man’s disobedience vs god’s ‘gift’ far outweighs the wrongdoing of humanity
5: adam and christ sinful humanity under the law – the effect of the law righteous humanity under grace – the triumph of (superabounding) grace
application the awful reality of god’s wrath the amazing reality of god’s love boasting god’s promises are now coming true in the new humanity (reigning in life) eternal life
peace, joy and life in christ romans 5