Phrasal verbs 10/11/2011Ana Suárez
Starter unit Go out Have a romantic relationship Split up Break up Ask out Invite someone on a date 10/11/2011Ana Suárez
Starter unit Get over Stop feeling sad about something. Chat up Talk to a person in a way that shows you are attracted to him or her. Let down Disappoint somebody 10/11/2011Ana Suárez
Unit 1 Break down Stop working Clear up Tidy Come over Visit Come in Enter 10/11/2011Ana Suárez
Examples John asked Mary out and they haven been going out for a month so far. Teresa and Mike broke up last month. Teresa is trying to get over him. He took her to the disco and chatted her up Please, don’t let me down My car broke down on the way home 10/11/2011Ana Suárez
Examples Tom clears up his bedroom every other day. (cada dos días) As soon as we heard the news, we decided to come right over. The teacher told me that I could come in. 10/11/2011Ana Suárez