Using PressBooks to Engage Students with Campus History Natalia Fernández, OMA Archivist Oregon Multicultural Archives (OMA) Oregon State University Online Northwest 2015 February 13, 2015 Corvallis, OR
OSU The OMA’s mission is to assist in preserving the histories and sharing the stories that document Oregon's African American, Asian American, Latino/a, and Native American communities
OMA I NSTRUCTION E NGAGING S TUDENTS WITH P RIMARY S OURCES OSU “Sundown Towns in Oregon” An Honors College colloquia class, Fall Terms 2012 & 2013 “Untold Stories: The Histories of People of Color in Oregon” A first year experience U-Engage course, Fall Term 2013 Students co-curating a display using their research Physical display in the OSU Library Online display using Flickr “Untold Stories: The Histories of Students of Color at Oregon State University” Campus Tour Guidebook
OSU U-E NGAGE C OURSE, F ALL 2014 “U NTOLD S TORIES : T HE H ISTORIES OF P EOPLE OF C OLOR IN O REGON ” OSU offers two credit “U-Engage” courses designed to help first year students explore a current real-world issue or compelling question of interest while engaging in interactive learning Idea ~ To have students conduct oral history interviews with OSU faculty and staff of color to share their experiences at OSU regarding diversity and inclusion Need ~ A digital tool to create a book accessible to the public that would showcase the interviews and student responses
OSU D IGITAL P UBLISHING My Project Needs Easy to use (to create and edit content) Not specific to just PCs or only Macs Books available online via a link (with PDF and EPUB options) Inexpensive (with a free sample) No Library IT assistance needed Some storage space for images (the interviews and transcripts were hosted outside the book) Publishing a Digital Book… so many options!
OSU W RITING THE B OOK The Creation of a Book Chapter in PressBooks
OSU P UBLISHING THE B OOK A Published Book Chapter in PressBooks Oral History Interview & Transcript