The Mediterranean School of Oncology 37 th course “Binomio molecolare, diagnostico e terapeutico: stato dell'arte e prospettive future” Roma, 2-3 febbraio 2006
Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Bio-Oncologia The Mediterranean School of Oncology An educational program of:
Bologna Chieti-Pescara Ferrara Catanzaro Palermo Roma La Sapienza Napoli Federico II Perugia Ancona Teramo L’Aquila Modena A Consortium among 14 Italian Universities Foggia Messina
Established in 1999, aims at fulfilling the educational needs of health care professionals of the mediterranean area in the field of oncology MSO - Mission statement
Molecular pathology & cancer genetics Onco-hemathology Medical oncology Radiation oncology Epidemiology/ biostatistics & clinical trials Cancer prevention & early diagnosis ….. A large spectrum of cancer-related disciplines is covered, including:
The School is located in Rome, Italy, and it is open to candidates of any nationality. Since 2004, programs are also held in foreign countries
Italy Lithuania Jordan USA Turkey Egypt France Spain Iraq Bosnia Israel Russia Polland Students by country 1454 Belgium Germany Iran
Postgraduate courses; Training courses for health professionals not frequently dealing with cancer patients; Special topics for oncology nurses; Master classes (residential, 2-weeks, with practical workshops) ( Coming soon) Educational program
Two classes: 1. Foreign students (in English); 2. Italian residents All courses are accredited for CME by Ministero della Salute, Italy or/and by ESMO
Courses/year Students/year By December 2005: 36 courses 1795 students
Scholarships Available to candidates <30 years of age. To apply for a scholarship: a brief curriculum vitae; a letter of presentation from an authorised officer at the institute of affiliation. For information: www.
Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Bio-Oncologia A MSO/CINBO’s pilot project The Distance Education Professional Development (DEPD) Program
DEPD Program Teaching is made via satellite technology, so travel is not required. Is designed to build or enhance professional knowledge, skills, and leadership in oncology and related disciplines through distance/online education & training.
Target audience 1. Residents in medical oncology; 2. Ph.D. students (Dottorato di Ricerca) in oncology and related disciplines Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Bio-Oncologia
A MSO/CINBO’s pilot project Interactive Distance Learning (IDL) within the mediterranean area
courses in modular print format videoconferences; lectures-seminars-lessons; To provide a forum for “distance learning discussion among CINBO member Universities and selected medical Institutions within the mediterranean area” MSO/CINBO - IDL “An innovative project to raise awareness about cancer prevention and early detection via satellite technology”
IDL - Partners ChannelStudio, Rome, Italy Technologies & services: Organization & management: Sponsors: -Dept of Education, MIUR, Italy - Pfizer Oncology