Political and Economic Governance indicators : sharing the experience of the OECD development Centre Nairobi, 2012 May 23 rd Bakary Traoré // Policy analyst - OECD Development Centre
The AEO Political Governance Indicators: A dynamic data set on African countries A close monitoring of the political life : Public protests, political violence, and government attitudes in Africa. from 25 countries in 1996 Afrique du Sud, Algérie, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Côte d’Ivoire, Égypte, Éthiopie, Gabon, Ghana, Guinée équatoriale, Kenya, Mali, Maurice, Maroc, Mozambique, Namibie, Nigeria, Ouganda, Sénégal, Tanzanie, Tchad, Tunisie, Zambie et Zimbabwe To 52 countries in
Comment la vie politique se passe au quotidien dans les pays? I - Attitudes of the Civil actors and type of political demand Demonstrations + Strikes and unrests (Public sector, Education sector, and Private sector) Political violence, Political obstacles by opposition parties, coup II – Government’s attitude towards political freedom and reaction to the political demand. Hardening, repression, manipulation Softening and Political opening, good reactions III – Trans-border tensions (refugees flows, diplomatic tensions, war …)
Description of the data collection and the aggregation process News from AFP and Reuters (collecting reliable information from each country) Transformation of the information into a weekly data set Codification process Calculation by country level (Weighing, Aggregation, indicators) Trend analysis for Africa (1996- to now) + Correlations and causality analysis + Motivation analysis (since 2006)
Country Profils - Exemples
Public Protests and Violence
Government reaction and Political freedom
For what African prostest? – The Top10 in 2011
Other Motivation
The AEO 2012 will be available online, Monday, May 28 And also a special theme on “Promoting Youth Employment in Africa”
Use of the indicators Multidimensional Correlation - Causality Sequences of the events, and their impact of the economic growth Motivations analysis
The AEO project in partners 53 out of 54 countries Complementary thematic chapters Full statistics and comparable country analysis for free Impact of the AEO.org Media impact