Fourth Nordic Grid Neighbourhood Workshop, St-Pettersburg, May 20, 2005 F. Ould-Saada, Oslo University ● Info, duties, goals
● Extention of existing Grid activities already covering the Nordic countries to the Baltic States and Western Russia. ● Support of the continuation of the development of the NorduGrid middlewareNorduGrid ● Open technical meetings
DENMARK: University of Copenhagen (NBI, DIKU) Southern Danish University, Dep. of Computer Science Aalborg University, Dep. of Computer Science ESTONIA: National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (NICPB) Estonian Educational and Research Network (EENet) Tartu University, Institute of Technology FINLAND: University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute of Physics LITHUANIA: Vilnius University, Institute of Materials Science and Applied Research NORWAY: University of Oslo, Physics institute University of Bergen, Department of Physics University of Tromsø, Department of Computer Science NTNU, Trondheim, Department of Computer and Information Science NTNU, Trondheim, IT division (ITEA) RUSSIA: St. Petersburg State University, Dep. of Physics Petrodvorets Telecommunication Center SWEDEN: Lund University, Department of Physics Linköping University, National Supercomputer Center Umeå University, Department of Computing Science and HPC2N Uppsala University, Department of Radiation Sciences Royal Institute of Technology, NADA/PDC, KTH Stockholm University and KTH, Department of Physics Nordic Grid Neighbourhood NGN countries, 20 institutions ! I doubt that 300 kNok is the only attraction!
4 seminars (~1-2days) + technical meetings: - Sweden (NSC Linkoeping), October 20, Estonia (Tallinn), January 20, Lithuania (Vilius), March ~20, St.Petersburg, May conference (Oslo), August Tech. Meet. Budget: 300 kNoK per year (during 3 years?) Nordic Grid Neighbourhood
First Nordic Grid Neighbourhood Workshop, Linkoping, October 20, 2005 ● Info, duties, goals
Second Nordic Grid Neighbourhood Workshop, Tallinn, January 20, 2005 ● Info, duties, goals
Third Nordic Grid Neighbourhood Workshop, Vilnius, March 18, 2005
The 4th NGN workshop in St Petersburg ➢ V. Fock Institute of Physics, St.Petersburg State University, May ➢ Workshop devoted to Medical Imaging Library ➢ NGN prototype and other Grid applications. ➢ As usual, Intention is to bring users of Grid technologies to share experience and make developers aware of current needs. ➢ Among users (and developpers), also welcome are people involved in deployment (development) of various Grid middlewares ➢ Developers encouraged to inform about newest achievements and near future plans ➢ National Grid activites in the region will be presented. See for more info about other workshops
● To obtain continued support for NGN project, it is a prerequiste that a report is submitted (along with all relevant attachments) in time and approved, i.e. that it demonstrates the progress and usefulness of the project. by 1 September 2005 ● To insure receiving the last 20 % of the grant awarded. ● We have already applied for next year See for more details: - Iceland, Latvia and Dubna(?) joined - Proposed workshops next year: Latvia, Iceland, Denmark + Conference?
DENMARK: University of Copenhagen (NBI, DIKU) Southern Danish University, Dep. of Computer Science Aalborg University, Dep. of Computer Science ESTONIA: National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (NICPB) Estonian Educational and Research Network (EENet) Tartu University, Institute of Technology FINLAND: University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute of Physics LITHUANIA: Vilnius University, Institute of Materials Science and Applied Research NORWAY: University of Oslo, Physics institute University of Bergen, Department of Physics University of Tromsø, Department of Computer Science NTNU, Trondheim, Department of Computer and Information Science NTNU, Trondheim, IT division (ITEA) RUSSIA: St. Petersburg State University, Dep. of Physics Petrodvorets Telecommunication Center Dubna? SWEDEN: Lund University, Department of Physics Linköping University, National Supercomputer Center Umeå University, Department of Computing Science and HPC2N Uppsala University, Department of Radiation Sciences Royal Institute of Technology, NADA/PDC, KTH Stockholm University and KTH, Department of Physics LATVIA ICELAND Nordic Grid Neighbourhood NGN countries, 24 institutions? I still doubt that 280 kNok is the only attraction!
Before that we have to demonstrate that we reached our goals: Education through lectures & tutorials NorduGrid/ARC development and extension Application in different areas,...
WELCOME to the First Nordic Grid Neighbourhood Conference, Oslo, August 15-17, 2005
Have a successful workshop! Thanks to Grigori and the other organisors of this meeting.