U.S. Department of Energy Brookhaven Science Associates BNL’s Role in High Energy Physics Thomas B.W. Kirk Associate Director for High Energy and Nuclear Physics Brookhaven National Laboratory Snowmass Colorado July 2, 2001
U.S. Department of Energy Brookhaven Science Associates
U.S. Department of Energy Brookhaven Science Associates Current BNL HEP Activities Approaching the Energy Frontier - Higgs, SUSY, ??? D0 Upgrade - Preshower Det. & Software; D0 physics Run 2 startup Host Lab for US ATLAS Construction & Computing Projects - LHC dets. & physics Partner Lab for LHC Accelerator Project - SC magnets & cable testing SNO and MINOS neutrino experiments (collaborators) Probing beyond the Frontier! - rare processes/precision meas. Muon (g-2) & rare K decay experiments at AGS - propagator physics! Understanding the patterns - theory Strong HEP Theory Group in current topical areas Riken BNL Research Center with 0.6 Tflops QCDSP Supercomputer Inventing the tools - future machines & technologies Accelerator Physics and Superconducting Magnet R&D: -ATF, muon storage ring/collider, HTSC magnet concepts Key investment!
U.S. Department of Energy Brookhaven Science Associates Near Term BNL HEP Plans (<10 yrs) Exploring the Energy Frontier - Higgs, SUSY, ??? D0 search for Higgs/SUSY in the moderate mass regime US Host Lab for ATLAS LHC physics & Tier-1 Computing Center Probing beyond the Frontier! - ‘RSVP’ MECO ( -> e direct conversion) - new physics up to 3000 TeV mass scale! KOPIO & CKM (K 0 L -> 0 bar) - golden decay for CP-violation parameter Muon electric dipole moment (EDM) search/measurement? Understanding the patterns - theory Strong HEP Theory Group in key topical areas, including lattice gauge! Riken BNL Research Center with 10 Tflops QCDOC next generation SC Lattice Gauge Center with 20 Tflops QCDOC Supercomputer Inventing the tools - future machines & technologies AGS Phase 1 intensity upgrade to a 0.4MW proton driver (~$100M) Accelerator Physics and Superconducting Magnet R&D: Superbeam I!
U.S. Department of Energy Brookhaven Science Associates AGS-based proton driver evolution ParameterAGS NowPhase 1Phase 2 Total beam power [MW] AGS beam energy [GeV] Linac beam energy [GeV] Average current [ A] Cycle time [ms] Protons per fill0.6x x x10 14 Average AGS current [A] No. of bunches at extraction No. of protons per bunch 1x x x10 13 Total bunch area [eVs] Beam bunch interval [ms] Superbeam II!
U.S. Department of Energy Brookhaven Science Associates Long Term BNL HEP Goals (>10 yrs) Reaching to the Next Energy Frontier - new physics??? LHC Luminosity upgrade, including detectors extends LHC discoveries Linear e + e - Collider (FNAL?) extends LHC physics discoveries VLHC reaching beyond the few TeV mass scale! Completing the neutrino story - advanced neutrino exps. Superbeam neutrino experiments complete the oscillation picture Muon Storage Ring (BNL) CP-violation in the lepton sector Understanding the patterns - theory Strong HEP Theory Group in then topical areas, including lattice gauge! Riken BNL Research Center with N Pflops QCDxx Supercomputer? Inventing the tools - future machines & technologies Accelerator Physics and Superconducting Magnet R&D BNL Goal!
U.S. Department of Energy Brookhaven Science Associates Muon Storage Ring on the BNL Site