Earth System Supercomputer Center/ KMA Dongil Lee
contents What the earth system is How we can understand the earth system – observation, analysis, and prediction Examples of Grid Project for Earth System opportunity
contents What the earth system is How we can understand the earth system – observation, analysis, and prediction Examples of Grid Project for Earth System opportunity
Source:isc2003 Walter Zwieflhofer ECMWF
contents What the earth system is How we can understand the earth system – observation, analysis, and prediction Examples of Grid Project for Earth System opportunity
observation Technology for the weather forecasting collectionDiss. Anal.& WF
DATA PRODUCERS Global Observing System GOS DATA CONVEYORS Global Telecommunication System GTS DATA USERS Global Data Processing System GDPS World Meteorological Organization(187members) World Meteorological Organization(187members)
GOS Observation to understand the current weather
Surface Weather Observation BuoyRadiosonde AircraftSat.(wind)Sat.(temp)
to understand the current weather satellite, aircraft, wind profiler, buoy, etc… international data exchange GOS(Global Observing System)
National Space Program in Korea 1999 KITSAT Scientific Satellite Scientific Satellite Scientific Satellite KOREASAT KOREASAT Scientific Satellite Scientific Satellite KOMPSAT Communication, Ocean & Meteorological Satellite KOMPSAT KOMPSAT KOMPSAT Scientific Satellite KOMPSAT KOMPSAT KOMPSAT KOREASAT KOMPSAT Communication, Ocean & Meteorological Satellite 2
COMS System Architecture Command, Telemetry Raw Data, HRIT/LRIT Satellite Operation Control Center / Back-up Data Processing Center Meteo/Ocean Data Application Center (Primary Data Processing Center) HRIT/LRIT Foreign Meteorological Data Receiving Station Communication System Monitoring Facility Specialized Organization / Domestic User Foreign Meteorological Organization / Foreign User Exclusive Line Meteorological Information Supply Various Site Internet Ka-band RF Signals Raw Data Internet
Telecommunication with 187 countries
예보모델 Initial Data Data Assimilation to improve the initial data quality Ensemble Forecast to reduce the uncertainty of N.M. Numerical Model
연구배경 Global Scale Study => climatology with Atmos., Ocean, land surface, etc Global Observation and sharing information Co-work with international society is important Some Characteristics of Earth Science global science with huge observation data and high performance computing Dynamic Equation Set Numerical Representation Super Computing
GDPS Decoding Statistical Model Q.C. charts Pre Processing Encoding Analysis Chart Objective Ana. NWP Global Regional Numerical Model Post Processing Data Ass. Graphics Forecast Guidance Prog. Index Indexs
Cloud Forecast
KMA Supercomputer - Cray X1E-8/960L; final stage(18Tflops)
KMA 2 nd Supercomputer Baram
언론기관언론기관 WMOGridWMOGrid APCN Grid CAgM Grid Agro-Grid Hydro-Grid Ocean-Grid MarineGrid Energy-Grid Environ-Grid Impact-Grid Space-Grid Trans-Grid Aquaculture Mapping Defence GHG inventory Water use Food security Sattelite TransSiberia Assessment WAMIS Network Hub Applications of Meteorology
To improve the accuracy of weather forecast improve the initial data using satellite, radar, etc.. reduce the uncertainty of numerical model To achieve this goals, we need more observation data and model results Source : FSU, U.S.A.
Data is increasing…. Example of one center
Turning Observations into Knowledge Products Source: Dr.Ghassem Asrar, GEO
contents What the earth system is How we can understand the earth system – observation, analysis, and prediction Examples of Grid Projects for Earth System opportunity
The Grid and Meteorology: Opportunities Inter-personal collaboration –E.g., Access Grid, CHEF On-demand access to simulation models –E.g., Espresso Access to, and integration of, data sources –E.g., Earth System Grid Dynamic, virtual computing resources –“ Metacomputing ” Integration of all of the above –Collaborative, computationally intensive analysis of large quantities of online data Source: APAN16 Ian Foster
Expresso Modeling Interface (Michael Dvorak, John Taylor) “ Meteorology on demand ” Source: APAN16 Ian Foster
Earth System Grid (ESG) Goal: address technical obstacles to the sharing & analysis of high- volume data from advanced earth system models Source: APAN16 Ian Foster
Collaborations & Relationships CCSM Data Management Group OPeNDAP/DODS (multi-agency) NSF National Science Digital Libraries Program (UCAR & Unidata THREDDS Project) U.K. e-Science and British Atmospheric Data Center NOAA NOMADS and CEOS-grid Earth Science Portal group (multi-agency, international ) Source: APAN16 Ian Foster
Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD) A Cyberinfrastucture for Mesoscale Meteorology Research and Education Kelvin K. Droegemeier School of Meteorology and Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms University of Oklahoma Source : Kelvin Droegemeier
LEAD Data Cloud Source : Kelvin Droegemeier
Geosciences CI Activities Source : Kelvin Droegemeier
contents What the earth system is How we can understand the earth system – observation, analysis, and prediction Examples of Grid Project for Earth System Opportunity – CPU-intensive and data-intensive
Example : Proposal for RA-VI (Offer supported by DWD, Met Office and Météo France) “Virtual” GISC DWD, Met Office, Météo France (RTH and RSMC) DCPC’s ECMWF, EUMETSAT “Virtual” GISC
The Earth Observation Summit II was held on Sunday, April 25th, 2004 at Hotel Okura in Tokyo, Japan. 43 countries (including Japan) from G8, Asia, Europe, Africa, Latin America, etc and the European Commission participated in the Summit. Among the participants were the Honorable Michael O. Leavitt, Administrator of the US. Environmental Protection Agency, Dr. John M. Marburger, Science Advisor to the President and Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy from United States and Minister Guanhua Xu from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Ministers from Gabon, Guatemala and Israel. To name the few of the participating 25 organizations were IBRD (The World Bank Group), U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which made the grand total of the participants to approximately 350 people.
Feedback mechanism between Earth Observation and Societal Benefits GEOSS Korean Meteorological Administration
29 November, 2003GEO-2 Baveno, Italy42 Idealized System Components Data Exchange and Dissemination: exchange and disseminate observationa l data and information Approved at GEO-2: Observation Component Data Processing Component Data Exchange and Dissemination Component Observation: acquire observations based on existing national, regi onal and global contributions Data processing: process data into useful information Korean Meteorological Administration
기타 참고 자료 Thank you … Super Computer Center/KMA Lee, Dongil
Items The first proposal Initial system (2004) Final system (2005) Model nameX1-3/192-LX1E-8/960-L Main System The number of cabinets37.5 Nodes System14 Computing47236 CPUs System416 Computing Single CPU performance12.8Gflops19.2Gflops 1 CPU Sustained performance3.38 Gflops4.63Gflops Total Sustained Gflops Gflops4, Gflops Total memory size760 Gbytes3776 Gbytes Disk & I/O I/O Cabinets1 2 I/O Drawers4 8 SPC channels16 32 PC-20 Cabinets68 SAN Disk12 Tbytes Direct Attached Disk44 Tbytes63 Tbytes KMA 2 nd Supercomputer Boram
Items The second proposal Initial system (2004) Final system (2005) Model nameX1-3/192-LX1E-8/960-L Servers CPES12 Login Server (cross compiler) CPES +Dual 3 Dell 1750 cluster CNS24 Pre-post processing servers 2* Fujitsu RX800(8-way) File system server2 CWS1 Network Cisco 76xx routers2 Cisco 45xx routers2 Remote Display System Video Display System1 Access Grid SystemFixed 2, mobile type 1 3D Hologram System3D Rear Projection System Tape LibraryADIC Scalar 10K1 (1 Pbytes capacity) Chiller Chiller (60RT)4 Cooling Tower(80RT)4