ASSIGNMENT: 1 SUPERCOMPUTERS Submitted to: Sir. Saleem Afzal Dhilon Submitted by: Ms. Zunaira Shafqat Under title course CS- 161 on December 2, 2013 at UOG
In basic terms, Computer is an electronic device that process data converting it into useful information. Any computer regardless of what its type is controlled by programmed instructions which gives the machine a purpose and tell it what to do. Computers
Some computers handle the need of many users ta the same time. These powerful systems are mostly used by organizations and big governmental departments. They are as follows: Network Servers Mainframes Minicomputers Supercomputers Organizational Computers
Supercomputers are some of the most powerful computers made, and physically some of the largest. They can process huge amounts of data and some can perform more than 1 Trillian calculations per second. Supercomputers
They are ideal for handling large and complex problems. They are used in mapping of human genome, weather forecasting, and modeling complex processes. Uses of Supercomputers
Supercomputers of today are judged on the following categories: Architecture Power Operating System Memory Storage Speed Cost Purpose Categories for judging Supercomputers
Tianhe-2 literally "Skyriver-2" idiomatically "Milky Way 2" is a petaflops supercomputer located in Guangzhou, China. It is developed by the team of 1300 scientists and engineers.Milky WaypetaflopssupercomputerGuangzhouChina It was the world's fastest supercomputer according to the TOP500 list for June and November TOP500 Tianhe-2
The development of Tianhe-2 was sponsored by the 863 High Technology Program, initiated by the Chinese Government. It was built by China's National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) in collaboration with the Chinese IT firm Inspur. Tianhe-2 runs on Kylin Linux, a version of the operating system developed by NUDT.863 High Technology ProgramNational University of Defense TechnologyInspurKylin Linux Development
Titan vs Tianhe-2 Titan Second place finisher Titan nearly a 2-to-1 margin.Titan housed at the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory.U.S. Department of EnergyOak Ridge National Laboratory achieved petaflops. Tianhe-2 The fastest supercomputer. Housed at NUDT, Guangzhou, China. Achieved petaflops.
According to NUDT, Tianhe-2 will be used for simulation, analysis, and government security applications. Applications