High Tech and manufacturing in China
2 How High Tech is China today? Some indicators that China is on route to becoming a world leader in science: China has the world’s fastest supercomputer. Yes, chips are made by Intel, but Chinese experts made them work together. Chinese scientists developed the world lightest material ever. In 14 years China went from having 1% of world’s gene sequencing capability to almost having 50%. National spending on R&D keeps on rising (18% from last year). Patent filings are growing even at higher rates. By 2020 China will produce more graduates than US and EU combined. In that year China will also publish more papers than the US. However it is also possible to have a different view: A recent study estimates that only 10% of Chinese engineering graduates meet international standard of employability. China has been called a “fast follower”, swallowing others’ advances, quickly catching up but never leading. China is driven by “techno-nationalism”, where China desires to secure a “absolute (technological) advantage”. Source: TWA & NESTA
Market Opportunities in China Sub-sector Aerospace Automotive LED/SLL Semiconducters Medical equipment In almost all High-tech related sub-sectors there are opportunities in China and we find Dutch activitiy Locations Beijing/Tianjin Shanghai/Jiangsu/ Zhejiang Guangzhou/Senzhen Chengdu upcoming in West-China Focus is 1st tier, but 2nd tier catching up Approach Technological collaboration on University level Multinationals Dutch group / cluster approach / PIBs Individual companies Production / WFOE – partnerships - JVs (minority stake) 3
Manufacturing – new trends in this sector 5 - Focus on development High tech - Up the value chain - Environmental issues start to play a stronger role - Strong increase labor costs - Growing automation in manufacturing processes - More focus on the domestic market - More international collaborations - Collaboration/ownership European R&D -‘Branding’ is becoming more important (slowly) China PMI Source: Economist Intelligent Unit Source: Markit Economics
6 Innovation Attaché / Research latest development Science and Technology in China Mapping technology trends Indentify potential knowledge partners Set up contact with Chinese partners Organize and support technology mission (group & individuals) Provide advise on collaboration projects Stay up to date on the latest tech news in China: