Miner Mall Assets
Welcome to Training! Why PeopleSoft? – PeopleSoft will help UTEP to grow. What’s Your Part? – We need your skills and expertise in order to utilize PeopleSoft. It’s a vehicle and you’re the driver! – Over time you will build your own history with PeopleSoft. What to Know About Training? – Training is an investment in your professional growth. – Be open to change
What Can You Do? Feel free to ask questions and take notes. Contact the Help Desk if you encounter a glitch or forget how to complete a transaction. Revisit the training webpage to review training materials and videos. Become your office’s “Go-To” person. Be willing to offer your help. Attend our Go-Live Work Sessions—open lab time you can use to process live documents/transactions.
Terminology Asset – An Asset is an owned item of value. An asset is determined by its cost and physical properties. Asset Profile ID – An asset profile is a way to categorize assets.
What is an Asset Profile ID? Simply a “shortcut” to add required information each time you add an asset. The profile ID is made up of three separate categories that make up one asset profile ID. – Class code – Asset Definition – Category
What is an Asset Profile ID? 1.Class code – A table of codes that is used statewide to standardize personal and real property reporting. It is 3 digits in length and has a specific description. 2.Asset Definition – Identifies if the asset is capitalized or controlled. CAP or CTL 3.Category - One or two digit numerical or alphanumerical category assignment with a description under that category.
Capital - Capitalized assets are assets that have a value equal to or greater than the $5000 Control - A controlled asset is an asset that has a value less than $5000, but is considered of a high- risk nature. – Computers – TVs – Cameras What is an Asset Profile ID?
Class code Category Example Asset Profile ID= 204CTL CTL41 Class code for Desktop CPU Item is less than 5K but is controlledCategory for Furn & Equipment - Owned CategoryDescription 1Land and Land Improvements 2Buildings and Building Improvements 3Infrastructure, Depreciable CodeDescription 201SUPERCOMPUTER 202MAINFRAME COMPUTER & PERIPHERALS 203MINICOMPUTER, SERVERS
What is NOT changing? Miner Mall will remain our PR/PO system of record. The overall functionality in Miner Mall will not change.
What is changing? Assets will now be coded at the purchase requisition level in Miner Mall. The accounting codes section of Miner Mall has been modified to reflect the PeopleSoft chart field set-up which includes the Profile ID.
Adding a Profile ID Profile ID’s can be selected at either the header or line levels of a PR document.
At the header or line level click on Select from all values to access the search window. Adding a Profile ID
Enter a brief description and click Search. Adding a Profile ID
Things to keep in mind…. Not all items are considered assets and will not require a Profile ID.
References Additional information and resources can be found on the PeopleSoft website. Job Aids Power Point slides Quick Guides Crosswalk UPKs
Classroom Summary Topic summary. Web page location. (Peoplesoft.utep.edu) Training materials and UPK’s available. Help Desk support available. Drop in sessions available May 5 th. FAQ’s will be posted on the web site. 16
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