Perchlorate Awareness Training Stormwater Coordinators
Objectives Learn what perchlorates are Learn the hazards of perchlorates Learn the regulations Learn the Caltrans Best Management Practices Protect ourselves and the environment
Perchlorates Natural occurring –ammoniun, potassium, sodium salts –Chilean nitrate fertilizers “Perchlorate Material - Special Handling” Manufactured –rocket propellant, explosives, fireworks, –road flares, fusees –button batteries - “CR” –bleach, fertilizers
Perchlorate Hazards Physical Hazards –Strong oxidizer, flammable (pure form) –react violently, explode - “BOOM-BOOM” –flammable solid - flares, fusees Environmental Hazard –Water soluble drinking water, groundwater, and soil been found in food (milk, vegetables)
Perchlorate Environmental Hazards Interferes with iodine uptake –thyroid hormone production / thyroid function –can lead to developmental defects Highest Risk - pregnant women, children, infants, those with thyroid disorders Public Health Goal –max 6ppb (parts per billion) in drinking water –3 teaspoons in an olympic pool
Perchlorate Regulations Hazardous material (pure form) –strong oxidizer - explodes, flammable solid Perchlorate Contamination Prevention Act of 2003 –Perchlorate Best Management Practices (BMP) Dept. of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) effective July 2006 applies to Caltrans Caltrans Memo - May 16, 2006 –Caltrans will adopt BMP’s
CT Perchlorate BMP agreement One time reporting to DTSC –July 1, June 30, Due Sept. 1, 2007 –Quantities stored > 500lbs. (solids) at any time. Or > 55 gallons liquid –Use DTSC form Train staff –Environmental hazards –Handling, storage, usage of perchlorates Dispose of waste properly Investigate alternatives to perchlorates
Maintenance BMP responsibilities Containment of perchlorates at Mtce stations One time reporting Implement road flare BMP Update business plan to include perchlorates Proper handling of perchlorate spills Proper disposal of perchlorate materials Update stormwater BMP’s, procedures and manuals, provide training Review and implement non-perchlorate alternatives
Perchlorate Containment Packages –designed and constructed so no release to environment –water-resistant package Storage –weather resistant structure with floor water resistant to prevent seepage in or out no drains unless “permitted” srong enough to hold load Doesn’t apply to fertilizer stored < 30 days at site of use
Road Flare BMP’s Minimize release of perchlorate to environment –“to the extent practical without impeding immediate safety considerations” –allow flares to burn completely –limit number and duration necessary to ensure safety –everyone who uses flares at work needs training on environmental hazards and BMP’s “Combustion Residuals” not covered –let flares burn out completely
Perchlorate Spills non-hazardous perchlorate materials take action to stop and contain spill determine if any hazardous waste –manage waste appropriately collect material resulting from spill prevent and minimize releases to storm drains
Disposal of Perchlorates “Combustion Residuals” - throw in dumpster –perchlorates burned up Non hazardous perchlorate waste –hazardous waste landfill –composite lined portion of municipal solid waste landfill meeting October 9, 1993 requirements Waste from use of safety flares for public safety is exempt Used detonators - dispose of properly per manufacturer
Stormwater Keep all perchlorates out of waterways and drains –natural occurring –fertilizers, bleach –flares / fusees –spills Awareness is the key Review Perchlorate Stormwater Bulletin with crews
Perchlorates - Wrap up Found in rocket fuels, explosives, fusees, Chilean fertilizers, bleach, button batteries. Now in drinking water and groundwater Interferes with Iodine uptake - thyroid function New DTSC rules –One time reporting –Containment at Mtce Stations –Fusee BMP’s - minimize, burn out, training Combustion residuals exempt –Handle and dispose correctly –Protect drains and water - BMP’s - Training –Consider alternatives
More Info Storm Water bulletin - Perchlorates Carlos Lopez - Hazwaste DTSC – Waste/Perchlorate/index.cfm Stormwater Group