Space weather at University of Graz / Kanzelhöhe Observatory Institute of Physics, University of Graz, Austria Kanzelhöhe Observatory, Gerlitzen For more details Pötzi et al., 2014
Location: Gerlitzen (Carinthia) ~1500m a.s.l. Kanzelhöhe Observatory (KSO) is an ESA-Expert Service Center for Solar Weather, RWC of ISES, and valuable partner within several international networks for ground based observations. Ground based observations at the Kanzelhöhe Observatory in Austria Patrol observations of the Sun for Space Weather (prediction): Active regions containing sunspots: white-light data Solar flares: H-alpha data ~70% of CMEs are associated with erupting filaments: H-alpha data Impulsive flares and CMEs are rooted in the strong magnetic fields of sunspots: Ca II K data (magnetic field proxy)
Data products relevant for Space Weather Full disk images are derived 7 days a week (if weather permits). Data are available in near real-time. Maximum latency < 5 min. Images of class 1 quality are immediately processed providing real-time flare and filament eruption alerts. 4 MegaPixel 12 bit 10 images / minute Filaments Flares Plages Sunspots 4 MegaPixel 12 bit 10 images / minute 4 MegaPixel 10 bit 1 image / minute H-alpha Ca II K White-light
Real-time flare detection and ESA alerts Detection of flare occurrence, heliographic location, time and size of the flare at maximum intensity. Real-time provision of a flare importance class (optical) based on these parameters. Alert will be issued when a flare is detected and exceeds a certain strength in terms of area and intensity (Importance ≥1).
Real-time filament detection (beta-version) ~ 8 images processed / min the delay time for an alert is ~ 1 min. L_18 eruption: fragments of filaments 2 → 1 3 → 3
High cadence data (time cadence of up to 6 seconds during flare events) KSO online archive: synoptic and high-cadence data Overview of daily observations, free and user-friendly access to all scientific data, through KSO website.