NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey page 1 Workshop HEND Institute for Space Research, June , 2003 BTN – HEND analog on International Space Station (Application of second unit of HEND in experiment «BTN- Neutron» on board of ISS) V. Tret’yakov,, S. Charyshnikov, V. Grinkov, A.Kozyrev, M. Litvak, I. Mitrofanov, A.Sanin Institute for Space Research
NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey page 2 Workshop HEND Institute for Space Research, June , 2003 Laboratory unit Technological unit Fly unit 1 Fly unit 2 Technical requirement for space science devices Control unit
NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey page 3 Workshop HEND Institute for Space Research, June , 2003 Laboratory unit Technological unit Fly unit 1 Control unit Fly unit 2 EARTHEARTHEARTHEARTH MARSMARSMARSMARS ISS Technical requirement for space science devices
NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey page 4 Workshop HEND Institute for Space Research, June , 2003 Main goals of experiment BTN (on Board Telescope of Neutron): - build physics model of generation of charged and neutral particles during solar flare - constructing of Earth neutron albedo model considering altitude – longitude coordinates of SC, time of day, solar activity and Earth atmosphere’ conditions - build physics model of neutron background near ISS for different flying regimes and orientations - detecting of Gamma Ray Bursts “simultaneously” with HEND of “2001 Mars Odyssey” and other SC
NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey page 5 Workshop HEND Institute for Space Research, June , 2003 Main parts of BTN 1. 1.Block of detectors (“HEND”) – BTN-MD 2. 2.Block of electronic - BTN-ME 3. 3.Assembly corbel with radiators – BTN-MF
NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey page 6 Workshop HEND Institute for Space Research, June , 2003 Block of detectors (“HEND”) – BTN-MD: - for direct detecting of neutrons of solar flare are scattering in atmosphere; - for measuring of fluxes of epi-thermal ( ) eV, resonance (1 eV MeV) and fast (0.3-10) Mev neutrons from interactions of cosmic ray with gases of Earth atmosphere; - for direct measuring X-ray and soft gamma radiation from Sun and from space in energy range 30 KeV-10 MeV.
NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey page 7 Workshop HEND Institute for Space Research, June , 2003 Block of electronics – BTN-ME: Power supply and control Active providing with thermal safety of BTN-MD Command transmission Telemetry transmission on board, Temporary storage of data in case unexpected delay in transmission on Earth
NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey page 8 Workshop HEND Institute for Space Research, June , 2003 Assembly corbel with radiators – BTN-MF: Assembly of BTM-MD on the outside of ISS Providing with thermal safety of BTN-MD
NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey page 9 Workshop HEND Institute for Space Research, June , 2003 Detecting block BTN-MD
NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey page 10 Workshop HEND Institute for Space Research, June , 2003 Scintillation block Middle He 3 detector Large He 3 detector Small He 3 detector Detecting block BTN-MD
NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey page 11 Workshop HEND Institute for Space Research, June , 2003 Main parameters of device’ block BTN-MD 260 х 220х200 мм, mass ~ 4 kg; BTN -ME 280 х 245 х 120 мм, mass ~ 6 kg BTN -MF 240 х 160 х 10 мм, mass ~ 1 kg (with radiators)
NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey page 12 Workshop HEND Institute for Space Research, June , 2003 Block of detector – allocation on ISS (1)
NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey page 13 Workshop HEND Institute for Space Research, June , 2003 Block of detector – allocation on ISS (2)
NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey page 14 Workshop HEND Institute for Space Research, June , 2003 Block of detector - field of view
NASA 2001 Mars Odyssey page 15 Workshop HEND Institute for Space Research, June , 2003 Main engineering task which must be solved during designing of BTN: Concordance with technical requirements of ISS in telemetry, power supply and command transmission Thermal safety (theory and model experiment) Studying of ISS’ crew to setting of outside part of device