José Fco Valdés-Galicia- PI Octavio Musalem Alejandro Hurtado Luis Xavier Gonzalez Jesús Alvarez Bernardo Vargas Ernesto Ortiz Rocío García Marcos Anzorena The Cosmic Ray Observatories at IGEF-UNAM
Neutron Monitor And Muon Telescope Monitor Type 6-NM64 Geographic Latitude = ° W Longitude = ° Altitude (asl) = 2274 m Cutoff Rigidity = 8.23 GV
AÑO HELIOFÍSICO INTERNACIONAL (Naciones Unidas, 19 de febrero de 2007) VESO (Instituto de Geofísica UNAM): RIS Radio Interferómetro Solar (Investigaciones Solares y Planetarias) MEXART (Mexican Array Radio Telescope) Radiotelescopio de Centelleo Interplanetario (Física Espacial) RC Observatorio de Rayos Cósmicos (Investigaciones Solares y Planetarias) TEO Observatorio Geomagnético de Teoloyucan (Geomagnetismo y Exploración Geofísica)
Present status Online database Five minute data from January 1st., 1997 to September 17, 2008 One minute data since September 18, From September 1, 1989 to December 31, 1996 upon request Monthly plots from January 1990 to June 2008
Present status (contd’) With the exception of a few bugs, data are verified and available on real time. All of our data will soon (DEC 2010) be available for download. We are renewing our data acquisition system; the new system will be based on FPGA circuit networks.
FPGA MAX232 PRESSURE SENSOR TEMPERTURE SENSOR USB-I2C INTERFACE INTEGRATED TIMING SYSTEM AMPLIFICATION AND DISCRIMINATION STAGE EMBEDDED DATA ADQUISITION SYSTEM EMBEDDED DATA ADQUISITION SYSTEM FOR COSMIC RAY DETECTION Over fifty data acquisition channels Cross platform graphical user interface Adaptable acquisition time for high energy solar events Pulse width measurement for neutron detector
We have already six new LND He 3 tubes. We need financial support to acquire: - Lead rings. - Moderator material. - Four high voltage and two low voltage power supplies. - Miscellaneous components. Upgrading our Neutron Monitor
10 We have another station at Sierra Negra Volcano, 4580m asl
SOLAR NEUTRON TELESCOPE Determines neutron energy Directional capabilities Proton, neutron discrimination PC are veto for protons Energy is resolved by peak signal height Direction is resolved by lower gondolas PC in coincidence w/plastic Scintillators
12 World Network of Solar Neutron Telescopes
10/11/10 Location Height (g/cm 2 ) LongitudeLatitude Area (m 2 ) Counts without Anti (m 2 /min) Counts with Anti (m 2 /min) Gronergrat Switzerland °E46.0°N 433,00012,000 Aragats Armenia °E44.2°N 423,00015,000 Yanbajing Tibet °E30.0°N 934,0008,900 Mt. Norikura Japan °E36.1°N 6419,0002,600 Mauna Kea Hawaii °W19.8°N 825,00012,000 Sierra Negra M é xico °W19.0°N 447,00020,000 Chacaltaya Bolivia 54068°W16.2°S456,00026,000
Graphical output of the simulation of a vertical impinging neutron of 500 MeV. ■ n + 12 CSci → p+ Triggers four PRCs underneath the Sci (marked in red). ■ Production of low energy γ by nuclear reaction inside the Sci
10/11/10 Solar Neutron Event on September 7, 2005 ■ A strong solar flare occurred on Sept ( X17.0, E= 17x10-1 erg cm2 seg-1). ■ Maximum at 17:40 UT (GOES), 17:36:40 (Integral). ■ Sierra Negra, was a suitable site to observe solar neutrons 11:36:40 LT, Solar zenith angle ~0°.
10/11/10 ■ Clear excesses were recorded by solar neutron channels, after the hard X-ray peak time. ■ The statistical significance of the excesses: S1_with_anti 16σ, S2_with_anti 12σ, S3_with_anti 9.9σ, S4_with_anti 6.2σ.
10/11/10 a) Simulated solar neutron flux arriving vertically to the telescope (mid-day incoming flux, zenith angle = 0°). b) The real proportion of SNT counting rates during the event on Sept 7, 2005 at 17:36:40 UT (11:36:40 LT ~0° of zenith angle).
10/11/10 Sako, et. al., 2006, & Watanabe, et. al., 2007, based on the time evolution profile observed at Chacaltaya, assuming a power law functional form, calculated the spectral index α. First using an impulsive injection and then using the 4 MeV gamma ray profile as injection function. Sako (2007) used 1 hr (17:30 to 18:30 UT) data from the Sierra Negra SNT, a detector simulation based on GEANT3, and the atmospheric neutron atenuation calculated by Shibata (1994) to make an estimate of α. Spectral index results were: α = 3.1 & 3.2. Based on GEANT4, the neutron atmospheric atenuation of Dorman & Valdés-Galicia (1999), and 45 minute data (17:30 to 18:15 UT) from the Sierra Negra SNT, we recalculated α.
10/11/10 Conclusions for SNT work ■ The angular resolution of our SNT simulation is in very good agreement with real data taken during the event of September 7, 2005, constituting a validation of the simulation code. ■ From the simulation we may conclude that neutrons of ~1 GeV were observed. ■ Protons of at least 10GeV must have been produced. They were not observed as it was an east limb flare. ■ The spectral index α of the september event is most likely close to 3.