Unconventional Natural Gas A Compelling Case. A Focused Vision. June 2007 Trading Symbol: SPI – TSX Venture Exchange Website:
DISCLOSURE STATEMENT The corporate information contained in this presentation contains forward-looking forecast information. The reader is cautioned that assumptions used in the preparation of such information, although considered reasonably accurate by Canadian Spirit Resources Inc. (“CSRi”) at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect. The actual results achieved during the forecast period will vary from the information provided herein and the variations may be material. Consequently, there is no representation by CSRi that actual results achieved during the forecast period will be the same in whole or in part as those forecast.
Farrell Creek Area
CORPORATE INFORMATION Listed – SPI (TSX Venture Exchange) Working capital surplus - $1.5mm (March 31). No debt. 28,833,082 shares outstanding 2,471,000 options outstanding – average strike price = $2.40 3,200,00 warrants outstanding – strike price = $2.50 (expiring August 11, 2007) Management and directors own 2.4% (Basic) Directors:George W. Watson (Chairman) J.R. Richard Couillard Donald R. Gardner Phillip D.C. Geiger Philip H. Grubbe Robert P. Winnitoy
OVERVIEW Acquired 40,000 acres of Shallow Rights 75% of land also has deep rights Eight test holes drilled to date Four test holes have been fracture stimulated Independent estimate of 1.8 tcf of discovered resource for the shallow Gething, Gates and Moosebar Formations Deeper formations are also prospective
CURRENT STATUS Have recently established mechanical reliability on pumping units Implemented field changes to reduce costs Flowing wells while reducing reservoir pressure and determine a production response on three of four test holes Trailer mounted compressor to be utilized to complete this test
CURRENT STATUS c-083 – Shut-in – deliverability test complete b-092 – Flowing – currently the best producing well to date b-003 – Flowing from upper zone – bridge plug wedged between zones b-002 – Flowing with only 22 meters perforated - lowest capital cost well to date d-093 – Drilled and cased - preparing to stimulate
VALUATION $/mcf $Million Recovery Factor ( % ) $/share Assumes 1.4 tcf of Gas-in-Place (Sproule) and 45 million fully diluted shares
PRELIMINARY ECONOMIC DATA Capital Target: Less than $1 million to drill, case and fracture stimulate Production Target: mcf/d from vertical wells B.C. Crown Royalty (new Net Profits Interest) Designed for unconventional gas 2% royalty on gross revenue until capital pool payout Capital pool includes previous 3 years of historical cost Propose taking applications this September
PROPOSED BASE PROGRAM Deliverability Testing Timing (March 30 to June 30, 2007) Continue to flare three test holes to establish consistent run time (upward production trend) Currently b-092 is the best well (100 to 150 mcf/d) Install trailer mounted compressor Shut in c-083 and continue to monitor b-002 and b-003 Move trailer mounted compressor equipment from b-092 to b-002 Issues: Flaring limitations (on b-092 test hole) Applied for extension Goal: Reduce back pressure to increase gas rate Target +/- 200 mcf/d on the b-092 test hole with the use of the trailer mounted compressor
PROPOSED BASE PROGRAM Tie-in Evaluation Timing (June 2007) Determine in parallel Tie-in options Industry Partner – Short term solution Will take raw gas for compressor fuel Initiate discussions Spectra Energy (formerly Duke Energy) – Long term solution Must meet sales gas specification Equipment availability Costs to tie-in
PROPOSED BASE PROGRAM Apply best completion techniques Timing (July to August 2007) Fracture stimulate d-093 Flow back and drawdown pressure with trailer mounted compressor Continue to monitor b-092 and b-002 Move trailer mounted compressor as required Issues: How much will the rate increase Government approval – flaring Goal: Target 400 mcf/d by the end of August 2007 on two test holes (b-092 and d-093)
PROPOSED BASE PROGRAM Prepare for tie-in and add production Timing (August to October 2007) Finalize pipeline access Start construction Convert test holes to production wells Drill three vertical wells Spacing Consider drilling one directional well Continue to evaluate results to finalize a Phase I development program
PROPOSED BASE PROGRAM Tie-in for cash flow Timing (October to mid December 2007) Tie-in the following producing wells b-092 d-093 Possibility to tie-in up to five additional wells Goal: Target total production of 1 million cubic feet per day and increasing
ADDITIONAL POTENTIAL Shallow Rights – (Surface to base of Cadomin) Substantial availability of B.C. Crown lands Land swap/Farm-in potential GeoMet “Strategic Process” Infrastructure co-operation Formations Moosebar and Bluesky
ADDITIONAL POTENTIAL Deep Rights – (Below base of Cadomin to basement) Land swap/Farm-out potential Activity in Farrell Creek Area NorthPoint Energy Ltd. Talisman Energy Inc. Triumph Pacific Oil & Gas Corp. Others Formations Nordegg/Fernie, Halfway, Doig/Montney, Debolt
2007 FUNDING PLAN Confirm productivity and economics $3 million private placement June 2007 Capital program June – August 2007 Production and reserves $15 – $30 million September 2007 Capital program September 2007 – September 2008
CONCLUSIONS Farrell Creek Project Large discovered resource – 1.8 tcf on existing lands Expect production in early 2008 Large number of potential locations Prospective deep rights/multi-zone potential Year round road and pipeline accessibility Long Reserve Life Index (low decline)
FARRELL CREEK LANDS T83 T82 T81 T84 T85 R23R24R26R2593-O-16
Canadian Spirit Resources Inc. Suite 1950, Ford Tower 633 6th Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 2Y5 Telephone (403) TSX Venture: SPI w w w. c s r i. c a