Chipatala cha pa Foni Health Center by Phone
Increasing Access to Quality Healthcare 2
Barriers to Accessing Quality Healthcare for Women and Children 675 per 100,000 births Maternal mortality ratio 31 per 1,000 live births Neonatal mortality ratio 71%Skilled attendant at birth 46% Antenatal care coverage, four+ visits 43% Postnatal checkup in first two days after birth 33% Current use of modern contraceptives in women of reproductive age ‒Limited availability of timely and reliable health information ‒Poor access to and use of health facilities ‒Unnecessary visits to health centers, as well as, delays in seeking care ‒High burden on health systems
Heath Center by Phone Target Group ‒Women of childbearing age ‒Pregnant women ‒Mothers of children under five Call Center ‒Point-of-care protocols on touchscreen devices ‒Provide health information, advise on home-based care (when appropriate), and refer caller to a health facility (when needed) Tips & Reminders Service ‒Relevant health messaging ‒SMS and IVR
Significant Impact on Knowledge and Behavior Among Users
Well Utilized with High Satisfaction Rates – During the pilot more than 11,000 calls were made to the hotline and more than 6,000 individuals enrolled for the tips and reminders program; approximately 20% of women aged used the service – 94% of CCPF users were satisfied with their hotline experience and 98% were satisfied with the tips and reminders service – Users cite ability to access the service from home and respectful treatment from hotline workers as major benefits of using CCPF ‒More than 75% of calls to CCPF’s hotline are resolved without a referral to a health facility “It’s good to call the hotline first, we call the hotline because you can find that there are no drugs [at the health center]… We can be wasting time walking to the health center.” - CCPF User
The Valley of Death 7 Time (15 – 20 years) Program cost avg. Foundation funding as a catalyst for change = pilot projects Government funding for policy = scale & sustainability $$
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