Heat Stress C/Connor McKeon Det 842 Safety Officer
Definition Types of Heat Stress Symptoms and Treatments How To Avoid Heat Stress Summary QuestionsOverview
When the body is unable to cool itself by sweating, several heat-induced illnesses such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion and the more severe heat stroke can occur.Definition
Types of Heat Stress Heat stroke is the most serious disorder associated with heat stress. It occurs when the body’s temperature regulation fails and body temperature rises to critical levels. It is a medical emergency that can lead to death. Heat exhaustion is a result of the combination of excessive heat and dehydration. Untreated, heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke. Heat cramps- are usually the result of hard physical labor in a hot environment, often resulting from an imbalance of electrolytes in the body.
Early Symptoms: – Dizziness/Headache – Drymouth – Unsteady Walk/Muscle Cramps Treatment – Remove From Training – Allow Cadet to rest in a shaded area – Take SIPS of water – If symptoms do not improve: Take cadet to medical center If they worsen call ambulance Early Symptoms and Treatment
Symptoms – Hot body, high temperature – Confusion, unresponsiveness, coma – Vomiting – Involuntary bowel movement – Convulsions Treatment – Call ambulance – Lay person down in shade with their feet elevated – Begin active cooling if skin is hot – Poor cool water over person and fan Later Symptoms and Treatment
HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE Electrolyte Replacement Clothing Acclimation How To Avoid Heat Stress
Overview Definition Types of Heat Stress Symptoms and Treatment How to Avoid Heat Stress QuestionsSummary
C/2 nd Lt. Connor McKeon Det. 842 Safety Officer phone: Questions