THE AFRICA LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTION FORUM (ALGAF) PHASE IV SESSION II LOCAL GOVERNMENT RESPONSES TO HIV/AIDS Taking the Lead in Coordination and Action: Strategy and Partnerships BY THE HARARE CITY TEAM (M. Magwenjere, C. Mutiti, P. Samuriwo & P. Majoni)
Leadership and Workplace Policy INTRODUCTION Currently the Harare City Council is guided in all its response to HIV/AIDS by the National HIV/AIDS Policy of the Republic of Zimbabwe (Workplace Policy)
HIV/AIDS TASK TEAM An HIV/AIDS TASK TEAM referred to as the Multisectoral Provincial AIDS (MPAC) Committee is in place. The committee represents the interests of -Health care providers -Women / men -Youths -Religious groups -AIDS service organizations -PLWHA -Industry & commerce (business people) -Media – Health education -Trade Unions
WORKPLACE POLICY SUBTEAM Currently there is no Workplace sub-team in Harare A suggested workplace sub team might comprise of representatives from the following groups -Trade Unions -PLWHA -Health Education Promotion Officers -Medical officers -Social workers -NANGO (Umbrella organization of NGOs).
REPORTING STRUCTURE Councillors – Ex officio members of DAACs (Mayor – Town Clerk) Assistant Town Clerk (PAC Chairperson) Director of Health Services, (NAC Board Member) Chief Health Education Officer (Harare Focal person) District Health Officer (District Focal person) District AIDS co-ordinator
DRAFT WORKPLACE POLICY FOR HARARE CITY COUNCIL BACKGROUND -In Zimbabwe, the HIV/AIDS epidemic continues to cause untold suffering to individuals, families and communities. -About 1 in every 4 adult population are infected with HIV (25% of adult population) and 1 in 3 pregnant women are HIV infected. -One in every 3 of the HIV positive pregnant women will pass on the infection to their babies during pregnancy, delivery or through breast feeding.
IMPACT OF HIV/AIDS Absenteeism Ill health Poor work performance High death rates among workers Continued recruitment of workers which is expensive Sick people cannot pay rates, water bills, electricity Poverty Shortage of manpower Unemployment
A WORKPLACE PROGRAMME A workplace programme will therefore go a long way towards mitigation of HIV/AIDS among workers as a strategy for the Local Government Authority.
PRINCIPLES -The principle of consultation with employees and their representatives in developing and implementing the workplace policy -The principle of affording the same rights to PLWHA as afforded to all other employees supported by the right to confidentiality -Confidentiality regarding a person’s HIV status shall be respected -Discrimination and stigmatization to be avoided -All workers have the absolute right to accurate information, education and communication on HIV/AIDS and STIs.
COMMITMENTS Harare Local Authority has a duty to provide the necessary human and financial resources to develop, implement and sustain the workplace programme. Budgetary arrangements should be spelt out. The commitment of the LGA leadership to translate the policy into practice is of prime importance to the success of the workplace programme.
KEY ELEMENTS OF THE PROGRAMME There are three elements of the programme 1)Co-ordination and management 2)Prevention 3)Care and support
CO-ORDINATION AND MANAGEMENT Put in place an HIV/AIDS focal person who will be supported by an HIV Task team with representation from all LGA departments and mandated to report to senior management The focal person is expected to translate workplace HIV/AIDS policy into workplace HIV/AIDS programme on assumption of duties. Regular reports on progress within the programme to be made to the LGA executive / management committee. LGA leaders expected to demonstrate support for the HIV/AIDS programme at every opportunity. Prospective employees will not be denied employment even if they are HIV positive. The LGA will conduct a needs assessment on the requirements of the employees, implement, monitor, and evaluate the workplace programmes. Skills succession plan should be put in place as part of the human resources development.
PREVENTION The LGA should ensure that all its employees have access to comprehensive and on-going education programmes including awareness activities and distribution of small media materials LGA will train Peer Educators within areas of the workplace who will be trained and supported to disseminate information on HIV/AIDS LGA should provide -Free access to condoms for protection against STIs and HIV/AIDS -HIV testing and counseling -STI management -Occupational exposure
CARE AND SUPPORT The LGA should commit itself to offering affordable intervention and education relating to healthy lifestyles as part of the package of health services offered to all employees The LGA should endeavour to provide access to counseling for infected and affected employees either at work or in conjunction with community services. The LGA should encourage an employee who is no longer able to perform duties as a result of HIV/AIDS to inform his/her supervisor The LGA will act decisively to prevent discrimination and to promote equal rights regardless of HIV status HIV positive employees are entitled to the same benefits as unifected employees.
VISION The Harare City Council will ensure that every employee is well informed about the HIV/AIDS pandemic for informed decision making in an effort to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS and to ensure a safe and caring environment for those living with and affected by HIV/AIDS at work
GOALS To ensure that all the Harare LGA employees have access to information and resources to safe sexual decision To create an environment free from HIV/AIDS stigma To ensure that employees affected by HIV/AIDS are well looked after without discrimination
OBJECTIVES To ensure that Harare LGA employees understand the risks of HIV/AIDS and the workplace policy. To ensure that individual affected by HIV/AIDs are aware of their rights and services available To reduce stigma and discrimination at workplace
FRAMEWORK FOR WORKPLACE POLICY IMPLEMENTATION PRIORITY AREA I Ensure that LGA employees are informed about HIV / AIDS and the Workplace Policy ACTIVITY IIACTIVITY III ACTYIVITY IV What (Activity) Distribute Policy Documents to all employees Implement peer education and counseling training Peer education and counseling Develop and distribute literature and condoms Who will implement Workplace Policy Sub-Team Peer EducatorsWorkplace policy Sub-team Who will monitor LGA staffCSOPeer educators BudgetTo be determined Available funds Personnel Staff time Personnel Staff time Building space Personnel Staff time Building space Personnel Staff time Additional funds To be determined OutputsWorkplace Policies produced and distributed Workshops conducted Counseling sessions conducted Posters leaflets provided
PRIORITY AREA II To provide Care and Support for Employees with HIV / AIDS ACTIVITY IIACTIVITY III ACTYIVITY IV What (Activity) Conduct seminars workshops for living positively for all employees Provide access to counseling services Reduce occupational exposure Provide STI management Who will implement Who will monitor Workplace peer educators Workplace policy sub-team CSO (Drama groups) LGA staff Workplace policy sub-team Peer educators Counselors LGA staff Workplace Policy sub- team LGA staff Focal point BudgetTo be determined Available Funds Staff time Personnel Building Space Staff time Personnel Building Space Staff time Personnel Building Space Staff time Personnel Building Space Additional Staff funds To be determined OutputsNo of seminars / workshops conducted No of employees reached No of counseling sessions done No of employees reached Occupational exposures avoided No of employees reached
PRIORITY AREA III To reduce Stigma and Discrimination at Workplace ACTIVITY IIACTIVITY III ACTYIVITY IV What (Activity) Providing employees with information on HIV/AIDS through seminars and literature Promotion of equal rights Who will implement Who will monitor PLWHA (willing employees) Peer educators / counselors Workplace Policy Sub team LGA Staff BudgetTo be determined Available funds Personnel Staff time Building Space Personnel Staff time Building space Additional funds To be determined OutputsSeminars conducted Employees reached Employees given full benefits