Word File Sentences Patterns Expansion Writing Practice
I. the prefix “gen-” 字首 gen 是「誕生」的意思 , gene 是構成胚 胎的根本,討論 genes 的科學,稱為 genetics 「基因學」,而 genius 「天才」一 詞也是來自 gen 。西方傳說,嬰兒剛生下來 時,就有守護神 (genius) 在保佑著。舊約聖 經中《創世紀》 (Genesis) 談論著宇宙的誕 生。另外與 gen 有關的字還有 gender ( 性 別 ), generation ( 世代 ), generate ( 產 生 ) 等。
II. antonyms backward ←→ forward reduce ←→ increase positive ←→ negative accept ←→ refuse fat ←→ slender specific ←→ general resist ←→ yield advance ←→ retreat Back
Expansion I.Does G.E. Move UsDoes G.E. Move Us Forward or Backward ? II. A Debate on Genetic Engineering III. What Is Genetic Engineering? IV. Genetically Engineered Food
I.Does G.E. Move Us Forward or Backward ?
Reference answer : Suppose that scientists are able to genetically engineer human belly buttons so that a crying baby can stop to have a snooze at the touch of its belly button. This will help a mother take care of her crying baby, but the baby will become a sleepy head.
Reference answer : Suppose that scientists are able to genetically combine male seahorses with male human beings so that they can make men get pregnant. This will make men home makers, but women will thus become workaholics. Back
II. A Debate on Genetic Engineering 1. Mrs. Weber believes that GM feed (is/isn't) of great help to her on the farm. 2. Dr. Levi believes that GM products (do/don't) bring immediate health risks. 3. Carrie believes that human cloning (will/won't) come into being in the future. Check the answers.
(A)“Do you notice a difference between GM feed for your animals and natural feed?” (B) “Where do you see this technology going?” (C) “A little frightening if you ask me.” (D) “I also give my dairy cows growth hormone to make them produce more milk. So I can supply more supermarkets with my product.” (E) “Well, I see no end to the possibilities.” (F) “It will take many years to notice the effects, if any, of GM products.” Back Click here to listen to the debate again. Check the answers. is-D don’t-F will-E
Restrictive and Non-restrictive Relative Clauses
A relative clause can be either restrictive or non-restrictive. A restrictive relative clause is one that is necessary or essential to the meaning of the sentence. A non-restrictive relative clause contains additional information that is not needed to understand the main idea of the sentence. A non-restrictive relative clause is set off by commas, while a restrictive relative clause is not.
PatternExamples Restrictive...NP. who/ whom/ whose/ which/ that... For those readers who may not be sure of its meaning, some definitions follow. Non- restrictive...NP., who/ whom/ whose/ which... Genetic engineering, which is a new study, has a great effect on us.
Genes are chemical substances in the cells of all living things. Genes establish an organism’s characteristics. Genes, which are chemical substances in the cells of all living things, establish an organism’s characteristics. Exercise A: Combine each pair of the following sentences with a restrictive or non-restrictive pronoun.
Genetic engineering is the changing of certain genes. Genetic engineering is used to improve an organism in some way. Genetic engineering, which is the changing of certain genes, is used to improve an organism in some way. Exercise A: Combine each pair of the following sentences with a restrictive or non-restrictive pronoun.
Only those people came to the meeting. They oppose genetic engineering.. Only those people who oppose genetic engineering came to the meeting. Exercise A: Combine each pair of the following sentences with a restrictive or non-restrictive pronoun.
The medical advances are even more impressive. The medical advances are brought about by genetic engineering. The medical advances which are brought about by genetic engineering are even more impressive. Exercise A: Combine each pair of the following sentences with a restrictive or non-restrictive pronoun.
GM food may be harmful to our health. GM food means genetically modified food. GM food, which means genetically modified food, may be harmful to our health. Exercise A: Combine each pair of the following sentences with a restrictive or non-restrictive pronoun.
Exercise B: Add commas to the following passage if necessary. Do you have any idea about what healthy food is? To some people, healthy food which they eat every day includes mainly vegetables and grains. To attract these people, some supermarkets even claim that the vegetables and grains that they sell have no chemicals on them.,,
Exercise B: Add commas to the following passage if necessary. However, people who buy vegetables and grains in those supermarkets may not know why those plants can be grown without chemicals. In fact, in order not to use chemicals which are said to be bad to human health scientists have tried to change the genes of vegetables and grains so that no insects will eat them.,,
Exercise B: Add commas to the following passage if necessary. Thus, people can find GM corns which have no chemicals on them may have the genes of scorpions. Now, I believe, you may doubt whether the so-called healthy food is really healthy or not.