September 27, 2011 Forum for Excellence ICSPS Enhancing Classroom Success for ALL Learners: Special Populations Resources
Illinois Center for Specialized Professional Support (ICSPS) Providing Publications Professional Development Technical Assistance Funded by ICCB Resources for Career and Technical Education Special Populations
…YOUR very important students! Who Are The Special Populations?
Individuals from Economically Disadvantaged Families
Single Parents/ Displaced Homemakers
Illinois Special Populations: Current Status Percentage of CTE students who qualify for one or more category of Perkins special populations FY08 45% FY09 47% FY10 73%
"prepare special populations, including single parents and displaced homemakers…for high wage, high skill or high- demand occupations" (Perkins Act of 2006)
Because they are your students… …and you want the best for them.
Universal Design Strategies to Support Success
Instructional Strategies Universal Design Adopt practices that reflect high values with respect to both diversity and inclusiveness.
Instructional Strategies Universal Design Assure that activities, materials, and equipment are physically accessible to and usable by all students and that all potential student characteristics are addressed in safety considerations.
Instructional Strategies Universal Design Assure that course materials, notes, and other information resources are flexible and accessible to all students.
Instructional Strategies Universal Design Encourage effective interactions between students and between students and the instructor and assure that communication methods are accessible to all participants.
Accommodations and Modifications Individuals with Disabilities
Videos on Individuals with Disabilities
Academic English Individuals with Limited English Proficiency
Teaching Academic English to English Language Learners Doing What Works
Poverty and Class Individuals from Economically Disadvantaged Families
Success Has No Gender Individuals Preparing for Non-traditional Fields
Single Parents, including Single Pregnant Women How to Keep Pregnant and Parenting Students from Dropping Out
Online Tool
Illinois Center for Specialized Professional Support Lynn Reha, Director Aime’e Julian, Associate Director of Professional Development Lisa Matejka, Associate Director of Product Development Thank you! Check out special populations resources at