Changing, ready or not Stephanie Cowan Education for Change September 2007
Education for Change 2 Context Our intervention challenge Pregnancy Low self-efficacy “Quit” approach the norm Design Inclusive Response to dose effects Change approach
Education for Change 3 Smokechange Health funded Home visits Personalised Change focus Family, too Dual goals More people smokefree More people ready to consider it
Education for Change 4 Measurement Principle We value what we measure, so, let’s measure what we value Value Readiness Intervention steps Personal change steps Assessment Tools
Education for Change 5 Assessing readiness Ask: What do you feel ready to do about smoking… Hold? Reduce? Stop? Smokechange Test 8 factors, points assigned, score calculated, feedback given
Education for Change 6 Study group Included in the analysis were: 1320 women All smoking at enrolment All participated to 6 month assessment All completed programme Period: 1/1/2005 to 30/6/2007
Education for Change 7 Ready vs not most women (76%) did not feel ready to stop smoking at enrolment (n=1001)
Education for Change 8 Personal factors Ready N=319 Not ready N=1001 Significance Teenaged 1113ns Pregnant 7279ns Maori 3036ns Pacific 14 ns NZ European 5956ns Other 86ns Low income (CSC holder) 5560ns No partner 14 ns Personal comparisons between ready and not ready people (n=1320)
Education for Change 9 Readiness factors Ready N=319 Not N=1001 Significance Light smoking (<10/day) 5639p< First smoke after 60 mins 4331p< Recent smokefree attempt 3821p< No others smoking at home 3127ns High importance 9474p< High confidence 7028p< High knowledge 6865ns Low personal stress 3022ns Readiness comparisons between ready and not ready people
Education for Change 10 Purpose Build capacity and confidence to: Consider and plan Achieve and maintain change Strategy Build smokefree: Thinking Habits Talk Intervention for working with “not ready” people
Education for Change 11
Education for Change 12 Readiness factorsAt the startAt 6 months Light smoking (<10/day) 3977 First smoke after 60 mins 3174 Recent smokefree attempt 2165 No others smoking at home 2738 High importance 7480 High confidence 2858 High knowledge 6594 Low personal stress 2227 Smokefree 031 Changes made by the 1001 people in the “not ready” group
Education for Change 13 Programme outcomes distribution of women smokefree or not at 6 months by ready or not at enrolment (n=1320)
Education for Change 14 Smokefree outcomes only distribution of women smokefree at 6 months (35%) by ready or not at enrolment (n=458)
Education for Change 15 Most people were “not ready” (76%) Compared to “ready” people, they had: significantly more barriers to change social and ethnic similarities I in 3 succeeded in being smokefree at 6 months (31%) “Not ready” people made up two thirds of those eventually smokefree at 6 months What we have learnt about the “not ready” group (n=1001)
Education for Change 16 Ready group smaller group (24%) higher smokefree rates (48%) fewer people smokefree(152) Not ready group larger group (76%) lower smokefree rates (31%) more people smokefree (306) Summary
Education for Change 17 To have an impact on the public health, programmes need to achieve smokefree change in the larger, “not ready” group, too. Conclusion Thank you.