The Angel Brings Good News to St. Mary “ Blessed are you among woman” (Luke 1:28)
S T M ARY C OMPUTER C ENTER, E AST B RUNSWICK, NJ, Sunday School Computer Program© 2003
TO MARY CAME GABRIEL To Mary came Gabriel To a village in Galilee, And told her God is with you O Mary peace be with you. (2x) Hail O favored one on earth You will bear Jesus the Christ, And His name Emmanuel Means the Lord is with us. (2x) In the manger the Lord was born The heaven is His throne, On the hay was His bed Christ the King He laid His head. (2x) The angels of the heavenly host Praised the Lord for His birth, Glory to God in the highest And peace be on earth. (2x)
Angle Called Gabriel One day the virgin saw a bright light around her, Suddenly, a beautiful Angel called Gabriel appeared to her. He said to her ”Hail to you, highly favored one, the Lord is with you”
Good News St. Mary was surprised and was wondering that she is looking at an angel. The angel Gabriel comforted her and told her that he is bringing a great message and good news.
Baby Jesus Christ Then he told her that she is going to carry the baby Jesus Christ in her belly for nine months. He said that the Holy Spirit is going to fill her and she is going to be the Mother of God because of her simplicity and meekness.
St. Mary Rejoiced The Virgin believed the words of the angel and said: “ I am the Lord’s handmaid”. This means I am the Lord’s servant. The virgin rejoiced, knelt down in worship, and thanked the Lord.
Baby John The angel also told her that her relative Elizabeth is also pregnant and has been carrying the baby John in her belly for six months. St. Mary was also very happy for her relative Elizabeth. After the angel Gabriel left St, Mary, she immediately went to her relative Elizabeth to help her during her pregnancy.
Conclusion St. Mary was happy to hear the news of the baby Jesus and that she is going to be the mother of God. We also are happy that the baby Jesus came to earth and was like us.
Application/Coloring 123