Order to Dismiss a Petition Pennsylvania’s Protection From Abuse Database
Order to Dismiss a Petition 2 After a petition is filed you can create an order to dismiss the petition (or entire case) from the Case History screen.
Order to Dismiss a Petition 3 The caption should carry over any information from the filed orders.
Order to Dismiss a Petition 4 You can use the Today buttons to enter today’s date and use the arrow buttons to enter a previous or future date.
Order to Dismiss a Petition 5 Only the options you check will appear on the final version of this order. Not all options are mandatory.
Order to Dismiss a Petition 6 Select the name of the judge or enter the name and title in the space provided.
Order to Dismiss a Petition 7 The completed order opens in a new window. Make sure you don’t have a pop-up blocker! The Case History button is your save button. Always use the navigation buttons provided in the database rather than on your browser tool bar.
Order to Dismiss a Petition 8 Only the options you selected on the worksheet will print on this order. Use the File, Print options to print from this window.
Order to Dismiss a Petition 9 The order will remain proposed until it is filed by the county filer. You can make changes to it until it is filed.
Order to Dismiss a Petition 10 If you experience any problems while accessing or using the database, please call PFAD Technical Support at Click here to close the show and return to the Using PFAD page.