Webinar developed for NCHE Patricia A. Popp, Ph.D. Project HOPE-Virginia
Our Panelists Dr. Bill Cohee, Maryland Melinda Dyer, Washington Dana Scott, Colorado
Does this sound familiar? Monday – Regional Coalition to End Homelessness Summit Tuesday – Early Childhood State Priority Project …
Where do you collaborate? 2 Polls – check all that apply use text box for additional Other agencies Within Department of Ed. Head Start Health Higher Education Housing Juvenile Justice Social Services Other (list in text box) Title I Special Education Migrant Education School Nutrition Transportation Data (IT; research) Truancy/drop out prevention Other (list in text box)
Outcomes of Collaboration Awareness Strategic and coordinated use of resources Mutual capacity building Attaining systemic goals Increase depth or reach of services Create savings to further invest in quality/effectiveness Leverage additional resources from other sources
Appendix H-3. Evaluating Current Arrangements At what tables am I expected to participate? How effective is the current arrangement? What do I bring to the table that other participants need? What do I need from the other participants? How will the time I spend with these programs enhance the lives of children and youth experiencing homeless? What should happen next? Maintain? Refine? (expand, limit, change) Dismiss Looking at outstanding needs, who needs to be added to these current tables? Appendix H-3. Evaluating Current Arrangements At what tables am I expected to participate? How effective is the current arrangement? What do I bring to the table that other participants need? What do I need from the other participants? How will the time I spend with these programs enhance the lives of children and youth experiencing homeless? What should happen next? Maintain? Refine? (expand, limit, change) Dismiss Looking at outstanding needs, who needs to be added to these current tables? Appendix H-3. Evaluating Current Arrangements At what tables am I expected to participate? How effective is the current arrangement? What do I bring to the table that other participants need? What do I need from the other participants? How will the time I spend with these programs enhance the lives of children and youth experiencing homeless? What should happen next? Maintain? Refine? (expand, limit, change) Dismiss Looking at outstanding needs, who needs to be added to these current tables? Appendix H-3. Evaluating Current Arrangements
Appendix H-1 Connections to Consider Required Common Less Common/Emerging
Required Title I, Part A Special Education Early Intervention Head Start School Nutrition EdFacts/CSPR Coordinators (Data Stewards) HUD
A Continuum of Connections
Four R’s of Effective Partnerships Right time Right people Right resources Right message
Right Timing Recent legislative changes Interest from the “top” or getting the “top” involved Media interest – critical event
Open phones for dialogue and/or use text box.
Right People Finding your like minded champions Decision makers “Doers”
Open phones for dialogue and/or use text box.
Right Resources Money Materials/equipment TIME Skills and knowledge
Right Message Relevance Clarity Urgency “Bottom Line”
Open phones for dialogue and/or use text box.
Targeting Your Efforts What does the law require? How will I participate? How much time is required? What level of interaction is required?
Targeting continued What unique skills, knowledge, and resources does each partner bring to the table that other partners need? Will all the participants benefit from the effort to work together? What is my organization’s level of commitment to this partnership?
Targeting (cont’d) What level of participation is likely to be most effective based on identified goals for the state’s EHCY program? Can I delegate my representation? Can I get the minutes? Or attend every other meeting? Can I call in?
Additional questions to consider: What “tables” need a homeless education voice? Are there “tables” where I serve under a different role that would benefit from a homeless education voice?” Do additional “tables” need to be created?
Bumps in the Road Saying “no” How to say “good-bye” Confronting dysfunction and accountability Avoiding time wasters
SC Handbook:
Tips for Effective Meetings Set an agenda. Assume team roles. Initiate whip activities. Monitor verbal and nonverbal behaviors. Initiate fishbowling.
What tips do you have for your colleagues? Text or phone conversation
Appendix H-3. Evaluating Current Arrangements At what tables am I expected to participate? How effective is the current arrangement? What do I bring to the table that other participants need? What do I need from the other participants? How will the time I spend with these programs enhance the lives of children and youth experiencing homeless? What should happen next? Maintain? Refine? (expand, limit, change) Dismiss Looking at outstanding needs, who needs to be added to these current tables? Appendix H-3. Evaluating Current Arrangements At what tables am I expected to participate? How effective is the current arrangement? What do I bring to the table that other participants need? What do I need from the other participants? How will the time I spend with these programs enhance the lives of children and youth experiencing homeless? What should happen next? Maintain? Refine? (expand, limit, change) Dismiss Looking at outstanding needs, who needs to be added to these current tables? Appendix H-3. Evaluating Current Arrangements At what tables am I expected to participate? How effective is the current arrangement? What do I bring to the table that other participants need? What do I need from the other participants? How will the time I spend with these programs enhance the lives of children and youth experiencing homeless? What should happen next? Maintain? Refine? (expand, limit, change) Dismiss Looking at outstanding needs, who needs to be added to these current tables? Ideas for updating the table:
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller