Classroom Procedures Mr. Hayward’s Class Routines
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Entering the Classroom Enter the classroom quickly and quietly. Sit in your seat, check the Agenda, and begin immediately working on the assigned task. Once you have entered the room you are expected to begin immediately.
End of period dismissal The bell does not dismiss the class. Mr. Hayward will dismiss the class.
Leaving the classroom When I dismiss you, you will: ensure keyboard is in holder, turn off monitor, push in your seat, and leave the classroom in an orderly fashion.
Responding to questions Raise your hand when responding to a question. Wait until you are acknowledged to respond.
How to ask a question Raise your hand to ask a question. Wait until you are acknowledged to ask your question.
Submitting Work All work MUST first be saved in the appropriate location. select your “H:” drive then your “Tech App” or “Keyboarding” folder.
Agenda / Assignment The agenda / assignment will be on the website. Look at the calendar.
Sharpening pencils Students may sharpen pencils prior to the bell to begin class or after you raise your hand and ask for permission.
Answering the door Students may alert Mr. Hayward that someone is at the door. Only Mr. Hayward will answer the door unless he tells someone else to get the door.
Throwing away trash Keep all trash at your seat until the end of class. All trash will be cleaned up and disposed of properly prior to leaving the classroom.
When you are absent Any time you are absent, you are still responsible for all work missed.
Assignments when absent When you are absent check the class website under the Calendar tab.
Making up a missed test Please contact Mr. Hayward to schedule a time to make up a test.
When tardy When you are tardy, walk into the classroom, if you have a pass give it to Mr. Hayward if you do not have a pass take a seat you will be marked as tardy.
When you finish early When you finish early, remain quiet in your seat and: you may go to the class website and follow other links, work on assignments you need to improve your grade, or do other classes homework.
Backpacks You are not allowed to bring your wide strap backpack or other bags into the classroom, only string bags are allowed.
Purses Purses are allowed in the classroom, but Purse activity should be conducted before or after the bell except in emergency cases.
Make-up Adjustment or application of make-up including lotion is prohibited in class.
When visitors enter the room Continue working on the task at hand. Follow Mr. Hayward's instructions.
Using a hall pass You are only allowed five (5) hall passes each six-weeks. When using a hall pass, you must: obtain permission, sign the hall pass clipboard (date, period, name), wear the lanyard, return as quickly as possible.
Getting a drink Getting a drink uses one hall pass.
If you are suddenly ill If you are suddenly ill, immediately tell Mr. Hayward and he will send you to the nurse's office.
Cheating Cheating will not be tolerated. The person who is sharing and the person who is receiving will get an automatic zero (0) for cheating. A second offense will result in a parent contact.
Late work Late work will be accepted until the Thursday before progress reports or report cards.
Makeup work Makeup work will be accepted for correction until the Thursday before progress reports or report cards.
Fire drills We will keep together as a class and walk to the football field. Once at the football field you must line up and listen for Mr. Hayward to take roll.
Tornado drill We will keep together as a class and move silently downstairs to the 400 hallway.
Going to lunch If you bring lunch from home you must bring it with you to 4 th or 5 th period. 4 th period, you will take all your stuff with you and you will be escorted to the cafeteria then get into the lines for food. 5 th period, you are to leave all your supplies in the classroom and you are escorted outside.