The manager needed to ______ one of his workers for doing a poor job. a) consentedconsented b) dismissdismiss c) intentionsintentions d) descendeddescended
dismiss – verb – to take away the job of, or fire
Franklin hated baseball so his ______ for joining the team were unclear. a) delicaciesdelicacies b) consentedconsented c) dismissdismiss d) intentionsintentions
intentions – plural noun – plans to act in a certain way; purposes
The woman ______ down the mountain on skis. a) dismissdismiss b) intentionsintentions c) descendeddescended d) accompanyaccompany
descended – verb – moved from a higher place to a lower place
My friend decided to ________ me to the store so that I would have someone to talk to. a) accompanyaccompany b) despairdespair c) bridlebridle d) delicaciesdelicacies
accompany – verb – to go together with
The student was filled with ______ when he couldn’t complete his assignment for tomorrow’s deadline a) intentionsintentions b) descendeddescended c) accompanyaccompany d) despairdespair
despair – noun – a complete loss of hope
The cowboy fitted the ______ over the horse’s head before going for a ride. a) descendeddescended b) accompanyaccompany c) despairdespair d) bridlebridle
bridle – noun – the part of a horse’s or donkey’s harness that fits over the head and is used to guide or control the animal
At the food festival there were ______ from around the world. a) despairdespair b) bridlebridle c) delicaciesdelicacies d) consentedconsented
delicacies – plural noun – rare or excellent food
My mom _______ to my sleeping over at Maria’s house for her slumber party. a) bridlebridle b) delicaciesdelicacies c) consentedconsented d) dismissdismiss
consented – verb – gave permission or agreed to
The Firebird is a magical winged "bird of light" that appears as a thematic element in many Russian legends and fairy tales. Capturing and imprisoning its magical power is the theme of numerous Russian folk legends.
Susan Ging Lent Production