WorkSafe AFL Victoria Country Club Workshop Program Volunteer Management
Aims of Workshop Why do people volunteer? Rights and Responsibility of Volunteers Role of a Volunteer Coordinator Volunteer Job Descriptions Recruiting, Retaining, Recognising Volunteers Selecting and Screening Volunteers Volunteer Management Policy Succession Planning
Why do people volunteer There is a wide range of reasons for volunteering – Fun, Socialise, New Skills, Help others, Give something back Clubs should understand why each person has volunteered. – 47% want to provide benefit to their community. (ABS 2000) A club should aim to be providing volunteers with a satisfying and rewarding experience.
Rights and Responsibilities of Volunteers What is expected of volunteers and what can be expected from the club should be made clear when volunteers join the club. Rights and Responsibilities should be incorporated into all job descriptions. New law 2011 – Volunteers have the same rights as paid employees regarding discrimination and harassment.
Rights of Volunteers Clear job description - Know what they are expected to perform and be able to say ‘no’ to what they can not perform Orientation into the club - Induction Support from someone who is experienced and well informed Insurance and safety – Do not fall under Work cover A healthy and safe environment Have access to training
Responsibility of Volunteers Be willing to learn – training is essential Have time to take on the position or role Welcome supervision Be dependable, punctual and reliable Be accountable Give notice if availability changes or are leaving the organisation Be a team player Provide feedback on the work being done.
Volunteer Codes of Conduct A volunteer code of conduct can assist in providing guidance for both the club and the volunteer. – Regardless of their role volunteers must conduct themselves in a manner which promotes a quality environment for all involved at the club.
Role of Volunteer Coordinator A Volunteer Coordinator plays an important role in ensuring that volunteers are well supported in the club and are enjoying the experience. – Dedicated position on the committee – Coordinate the activities of all volunteers in the club. – Responsible for strategies to recruit, train and retain volunteers – Consult with other committee to determine where volunteers are needed.
Volunteer Coordinator Duties ACTION PLAN Write job descriptions Assign specific roles to volunteers Organise orientation program for volunteers Plan training for volunteers Keep up to date records of volunteers Keep volunteers motivated and enthusiastic Revise roles as needed or identified. Hold regular meetings to obtain feedback.
Volunteer Coordinator How many volunteers do we need? To do what? When? For how long? What demands will be placed upon the volunteer? What authority will the volunteer have? What sort of people do we what in these roles?
Volunteer Coordinator Will assist in lessening the chance of the top complaints of volunteers. – I called. They never called me back. – I can not volunteer when they are open. I work during the day. – I showed up but they didn’t have anything for me to do. – No one ever says ‘thank you’. – I don’t get any guidance.
Retaining Volunteers Rewarding - ideas Clear job descriptions Not overloading – spread the workload Meetings – Time restraints Leadership/Direction Friendly Environment
Job Descriptions Job Title Supervisors name Duties and Responsibilities Hours, Frequency and Dates the volunteer is required Qualifications needed Special skills or training Induction details victoria-country-volunteers/
Dealing with Difficult Volunteers Often a ‘difficult’ volunteer is simply in the wrong job. Effective review and a new placement can sometimes solve the problem However, when a volunteer’s performance or behaviour has a negative impact on fellow workers, club members or the public, that person should be confronted with the problem. This practice should be applied consistently with all volunteers.
Dealing with Difficult Volunteers Meet in private with the volunteer and present your concerns. Go over the expectations in the job description. Allow a response, in writing if necessary. Be fair and open to the possibility that the volunteer has been misunderstood. If appropriate, allow a probationary period with concrete goals and a finite time in which to achieve them.
Dealing with Difficult Volunteers Take notes of the discussions you have. Write up any agreement you come to and give the volunteer a copy to review and sign. Sometimes there may be a need to discipline volunteers if their behaviour is clearly unacceptable, i.e. some form of harassment or dishonesty. It is important that all volunteers are aware of and follow the club’s set codes of conduct.
Dealing with Difficult Volunteers If a problem arises, the club may need to take disciplinary action. The following guidelines can be used: 1) Approach the problem as soon as possible. 2) Discuss the issue in a calm and objective manner. 3) Keep the discussion focused on the behaviour, not the person involved. 4) Allow the volunteer to explain their position. 5) Obtain agreement on how mistakes can be prevented in the future. 6) Give a warning before any disciplinary action is taken. 7) Consider the effect of the disciplinary action and any mitigating circumstances.8 8) Ensure all disciplinary action is consistent – all members are treated fairly and in the same manner.
Dismissing Volunteers The decision to dismiss a volunteer should not be taken lightly and should never be done by an individual. The club’s committee should also be involved in the process. The president’s approval to dismiss the volunteer should be obtained. Dismiss the volunteer in person and in private and always be honest, sensitive and firm.
Dismissing Volunteers Document the dismissal and file it in such a way that the volunteer is not unwittingly taken on again. Notify all concerned parties, but respect the volunteer’s privacy. Use clubs code of conduct!
Recruiting Volunteers Pro-active Most get involved in volunteering through direct contact. Word of mouth still the best and cheapest way to find volunteers. Who should you ask? – Family and friends of players – Former players (many have never been asked) – TAFE / University Undergraduates
Recruiting Volunteers Volunteer information kits – Rego days Club background, job descriptions, current volunteers, template Current and past membership/player lists Use current volunteers for recruitment drives Posters, pamphlets around the club Community newspaper, radio advertisements Screening Volunteers IDEAS?
Succession Planning Right structures in place Right policies in place Clear job descriptions Aligning new volunteers with experienced volunteers Volunteer Management policy
Volunteer Management Policy Should include the following – Rights and responsibilities OH&S requirements for volunteers Code of conduct Jobs or positions Coordinators role Action plan on recruiting and retaining volunteers, screening and succession planning