Communicate So the Whole Staff Hears You NEO-RLS Training Communicate So the Whole Staff Hears You Facilitator: Marti Peden
Change Style Indicator Preferences In dealing with change There is no right or wrong way Will place you on a continuum Benefits Manage your response to change Understand sources of conflict Select the most appropriate response Take Inventory
Change Style Preference CONSERVERS Accept the structure Prefer change that is incremental
Change Style Preference CONSERVERS Accept the structure Prefer change that is incremental ORIGINATORS Challenge the structure Prefer change that is expansive
Change Style Preference CONSERVERS Accept the structure Prefer change that is incremental Evolutionary PRAGMATISTS Explore the structure Prefer change that is functional Situational ORIGINATORS Challenge the structure Prefer change that is expansive Revolutionary Make Prediction
CSI Scoring Instructions CSI Prediction CSI Scoring Instructions Step 1: Transfer points (number) from the original column to the Conserver and Originator columns to the right. Step 2: Total the Conserver and Originator columns. Step 3: Find your overall score by calculating the absolute difference in the totals of the Conserver and Originator columns. Example: Total Conserver 44 Total Originator 22 Absolute Difference 22 In this example, the score of 22 is placed to the left of center, on the Conserver side of the graph.
Change Style Preferences MOST PEOPLE ARE BLENDS
CONSERVERS When Facing Change Generally appear deliberate, disciplined, focused Prefer clearly defined structure Start with traditional ideas when problem solving Don’t like surprises and uncertainty May appear cautious and inflexible Value tradition and best practices Convergent Thinkers
PRAGMATISTS When Facing Change Generally appear practical, agreeable, flexible Value change that produces readily visible benefits More interested in functionality than tradition or novelty Operate as mediators and catalyst for understanding Are open to both sides of an argument Take more of a middle-of-the-road approach Appear More Team Oriented
ORIGINATORS When Facing Change May appear unorganized, undisciplined, unconventional Challenge existing structure Dismiss traditional ideas when problem solving Enjoy risk and uncertainty May appear impractical and miss important details Appear systemic in their thinking Dismiss established practices with little regard Divergent Thinkers
Divide into three groups based on your score. Group Work Divide into three groups based on your score. DISCUSSION What messages do you need to hear? What is the best way to win you over?
Communicating About Change Conservers Pragmatists Originators Know the details Speak about outcomes Talk about the future Don’t start by presenting the big picture Talk about consequences of continuing same way Ask what they would like to see happen Pick one angle and build from there Ask for recommendations for practical first steps Ask for ideas Present a minimum of information, ask what else is needed Ask about problems and barriers to implementation Ask what is effective in the current system they would not want changed Ask about anticipated obstacles. Listen. Talk about timelines Talk about the connection between change and future effectiveness
Communicating About Change Conservers Pragmatists Originators Know the details Speak about outcomes Talk about the future Don’t start by presenting the big picture Talk about consequences of continuing same way Ask what they would like to see happen Pick one angle and build from there Ask for recommendations for practical first steps Ask for ideas Present a minimum of information, ask what else is needed Ask about problems and barriers to implementation Ask what is effective in the current system they would not want changed Ask about anticipated obstacles Talk about timelines Talk about the connection between change and future effectiveness
Communicating About Change Conservers Pragmatists Originators Know the details Speak about outcomes Talk about the future Don’t start by presenting the big picture Talk about consequences of continuing same way Ask what they would like to see happen Pick one angle and build from there Ask for recommendations for practical first steps Ask for ideas Present a minimum of information, ask what else is needed Ask about problems and barriers to implementation Ask what is effective in the current system they would not want changed Ask about anticipated obstacles Talk about timelines Talk about the connection between change and future effectiveness
Communicating About Change Conservers Pragmatists Originators Know the details Speak about outcomes Talk about the future Don’t start by presenting the big picture Talk about consequences of continuing same way Ask what they would like to see happen Pick one angle and build from there Ask for recommendations for practical first steps Ask for ideas Present a minimum of information, ask what else is needed Ask about problems and barriers to implementation Ask what is effective in the current system they would not want changed Ask about anticipated obstacles Talk about timelines Talk about the connection between change and future effectiveness
Questions? Marti Peden