Governments of Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif ( )
Introduction Benazir comes to Power, 1988 Nawaz Sharif comes to Power, 1991 Benazir returns to Power, 1993 Nawaz Sharif returns to Power, 1997 Conclusion
Benazir comes to Power, 1988 Election of 1988 and PP victory as largest party She became first woman PM in December 1988 in the Muslim world But Nawaz Sharif got majority in Punjab and became the CM She made coalition with MQM which fell apart soon Her government was failed with nepotism, bribery, corruption and became failed in just 2 years when she was removed by President G.I.Khan in 1990, August
Nawaz Sharif comes to power, 1991 Elections of 1991 gave largest majority to Nawaz Sharif and he became the PM Nawaz Sharif inclined with PPP for negotiations for scrap 8 th amendment, curtailing the power of President Seeing this G.I.Khan dissolved NA in April 1993 but Supreme Court restored the Parliament and PM
Nawaz Sharif faced problem in Sindh from PPP Conflict arose between President and PM that led to both resigned from their offices in July They both were asked for resign from their offices by the then Army Chief.
Benazir returns in Power, 1993 In October 1993 elections Benazir Bhutto PPP came again in power as largest party in NA and became PM This time she made his own party man, the President Farooq Laghari, a former CSP Her second term was more damaging as even her brother Murtaza Bhutto was killed with cold blooded murder on the road at the entrance of his in Karachi
She was ultimately removed by her own chossen President Farooq Laghari in November, 1996
Nawaz Sharif returns to Power, 1997 In February 1997 elections Nawaz Sharif’s party won the largest number of seats and became PM Farooq Laghari tried his best to remove his government but failed which led him to resign from Presidential office Nawaz Sharif succeeded in passing 13 th and 14 th amendments: 13 th curtailing presidential power to dismiss PM and Na 14 th prevented floor crossing
In 1997 Pakistan with US, Saudi Arab and UAE recognized Taliban regime in Afghanistan In 1998 May 25 th India conducted nuclear tests and tried to occupy Azad Kashmir Pakistan responded on May 28 th 1998 the nuclear tests Nawaz Sharif also announced freezing of foreign currency account
The relation between Pakistan and India normalized when Indian PM Atal Bihari Vajpaee visited Lahore on bus Soon after that Pak Army took control of Kargil, Kargil was part of Pakistan 1971 On the domestic level Nawaz Sharif tabled the 15 th amendment to made Quran and Sunnah the supreme law of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif took the constitution in his and then tried to dismiss the CNC Parvez Mushref
This brought his downfall and arrival of Martial Law after 10 years of civilian government Pakistan again went back to political retardation