Excellent care with compassion Widening Participation – Why bother?
Excellent care with compassion Everyone has a contribution to make! Harnessing talent Breaking down traditional boundaries Developing self-belief Raising aspirations Enabling achievement
Excellent care with compassion THE NHS CONTRIBUTION Providing opportunities, information and access to experience!
Excellent care with compassion Strategic Fit The NHS is part of the local community Future proofing the Health and Social Care Workforce Development of a diverse workforce Attracting staff with the right values Corporate Citizenship Partnership working Developing our staff
Excellent care with compassion Board Commitment Sell corporate citizenship Find a Board Champion Involve Board members in the programmes Get widening participation updates on the board agenda Use student stories Capture hearts and minds Measure impact
Excellent care with compassion Our Approach Inspire Inform Support
Excellent care with compassion Our Activities Work Experience (2003) Cadet programme (2004) Year 12 events (2005) Workplace Familiarisation (2008) School Twinning (2011) Preston Widening Access Programme (2013) Apprenticeships (2013) Teddy Bear Hospital (2013) Enrichment Programme (2013) Pre employment Programme (2013)
Excellent care with compassion
Lessons Learned Commitment required from all parties Recruit the right ‘participants’ based on values Plan well Make programmes practical Engage with shop floor teams Use other learners Acknowledge it requires resource Don’t expect a quick win Build enthusiasm
Excellent care with compassion Conclusion – for success! Strategic theme for the organisation Never dismiss the art of the possible! Supported at all levels Measure outcomes Celebrate success!
Excellent care with compassion