New Brunswick Police Association Established over 50 years ago Advance the interests of Municipal police officers Protect and improve legislative rights: Police Act, Negotiations, Health and Safety, Compensation Presentations at Municipal, Provincial and Federal level
New Brunswick Police Association Maintains police research data basis (wages, benefits, discipline, pensions, police costing) Participates in Canadian Police Association police research data basis Municipal officers are members of the NB Police Assoc. and Canadian Police Association with all of the above data available to you
New Brunswick Police Association Sponsored public relations campaigns against reduction and elimination of municipal police services Presentations to the Mayors of municipalities in New Brunswick to expand municipal police service Sponsored public relations campaigns against RCMP takeovers Numerous presentations to provincial government to expand municipal policing throughout the province
Police Act We are voting members of all committees under the Police Act: Discipline and Work performance Policing Standards Strategic Development Legislative review Arbitration guidelines (fee schedule)
Police Act – Discipline - Work Performance We Co-chaired the all stakeholders Committee that developed the new Discipline and Work Performance Police Act over a period of 6 years. First Police Act in Canada where a Chief cannot suspend, demote or dismiss an officer unless mutually agreed or approved by outside Arbitrator
Police Act – Arbitrator guidelines. and Fee Schedule During the 6 year review we developed guidelines, a fee schedule and mutual agreed list of qualified Arbitrators for Discipline and Work Performance hearings—the first in Canada
Injury on the Job We made presentation for over 4 years to get the provincial government to remove the 3 day loss of pay for police officers when injured on the job
Regional Service Delivery. Commissions After presentations to the provincial government on the Grant review, Finn report, RCMP subsidies and taxation, new Regional Service Delivery Commissions are being established where municipalities are to “pay for what they get”. Municipal policing is more cost/effective
1 st. Class Constable Halifax = $ 83,433 Summerside = $ 63,026*** Truro = $ 74,506 New Glasgow = $ 74,700 Amherst = $ 74,700 Bridgewater = $ 74,700 Charlottetown = $ 73,433 Kentville = $ 73,303
1 st.Class Constable –2012--RNC RNC = $ 75,668 Long Service Pay at years Increases Pay by 3%6%9%12%
1 st. Class Constable Saint John = $ 74,527 Fredericton = $ 72,317 Edmundston = $ 73,486 ($35.33x2080) Grand Falls = $ 63,752 Miramichi = $ 74,526 Bathurst = $ 70,637 BNPP = $ 70,637 Rothesay = $ 74,004 Woodstock = $ 65,112 RCMP = $ 79,308
New Brunswick Police Association Continues the 50 year tradition of protecting and advancing the positions, legislative rights, benefits and well being of municipal police officers in New Brunswick and throughout Canada—Together we stand!