Jenn Franckle Community Relations Assistant phone (410) fax (410) Key Pink Pink=center closed Aqua=SOS will participate KCPL=Kent County Public Library schools= Kent County Public School GOTR=Girls on the Run * Dates subject to change, minimum notice of 30 days will be given * K ENT F AMILY C ENTER
September 2008 National Literacy Month SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday Aug. 311Labor Day Center Closed 2 Ramadan Begins 3456 Fall Programming Begins 7 National Grandparents Day Schools Dismiss Early 16 GOTR starts 1718 Fall Necklace Day 19 Kennedyville Bazaar and Auction 7pm at Fire House 20 YMCA Tockwogh’s 70 th Anniversay Celebration 1-4pm 2122 Family Day23 ABC’s of 2 nd Hand Smoke Rock Hall Fall Fest Fall Begins Family Luncheon 2829 Rainbow Day30 Rosh Hashanah Dress like your favorite Super Hero Day National Childhood Injury Prevention Week New Staff FOF Orientation Training Character Counts: Responsibility
October 2008 National Breast Cancer Awareness Month SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday Sept. 29 Rainbow Day Sept. 30 Dress like your Favorite Super Hero Day 1 Crazy Hat/Hair Day 2 Eid al-Fitr3 World Smile Day 4 “Dress-up” Day SOS Open House and CD Room Tag Sale 4-7 Wear your SOS Tie-dye T-shirt day 56 National Child Health Day 78 Chef Demonstration at Haven Harbour Marina 9 Yom Kippur 1011 Turners Creek Fall Festival National Children's Day 13 Center Closed (Columbus Day Observation) 14 ABC’s of 2 nd Hand Smoke 15 Schools Dismiss Early 16 National Boss Day 17 Coleman’s Christmas tree Farm Field Trip 18 Schools Closed No GOTR Wear Red Day Chestertown Halloween Parade 2:15 Rock Hall Parade 5:00 26 Galena Halloween Parade 3pm 2728 Diwali29 Pumpkin Painting Day 30 Family Literacy 31 Halloween Party CD Room Ghoulish Luncheon Early Childhood Best Practices (New IHI/CD Staff) National School Bus Safety Week Character Counts: Trustworthiness Spirit Week Red Ribbon Week
November 2008 American Diabetes Month SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 National Family Literacy Day 2 Day Light Savings Time Ends 34 Election Day5 Stuff a Scarecrow Day 678 National Parents as Teachers Day RIF event Schools Dismiss Early 910 Center Closed ( Veterans Day Observed) 11Schools Dismiss Early 12 Mismatch Day 13 World Kindness Day 14 Center Closed FOF Training 15 America Recycles Day Veterans DayGoose Bump Jump at Betterton Beach Data entry FOF training No GOTR ABC’s of 2 nd Hand Smoke 19 Thanksgiving Feast 20 Family Literacy 21 Partners’ Breakfast 22 Last GOTR Schools Closed 27 Center Closed 28 Center Closed 29 End of Fall Programming Schools Closed Youth Appreciation Week National Family Week Character Counts: Citizenship
December 2008 National Drunk Driving & Drug Prevention Month SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 World AIDS Day 2 Door Decorating Contest Begins 3 Photos with Santa Winter Programming Begins 789 Festive Sock Day Please Touch Museum Field Trip ABC’s of 2 nd Hand Smoke 17 Door Decorating contest Winner Announced Holiday Feast 21 Winter Begins (solstice) 22 1 st day of Hanukkah 2324 Center Closed 25 Center Closed (Christmas Day) Schools Closed Schools Closed Character Counts: Caring
January 2009 National Mentoring Month SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 Center Closed ABC’s of 2 nd Hand Smoke Pajama Day 15 Family Literacy 1617 Cooking for a Cause 1819 Center Closed (MLK Birthday Observance) 2021 North Pole Luncheon Polar Bear Plunge (SOS team) 2526 Schools Closed -Schools Closed- Character Counts: Fairness
February 2009 American Heart Month SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 12 Ground Hog Day President's Day Celebration 1112 Lincoln’s Birthday 13 Valentine Party CD Room 14 Valentine’s Day Schools Closed 1516 Center Closed ( President’s Day Observance) 17 ABC’s of 2 nd Hand Smoke 1819 RIF Event Washington’s Birthday 2324 Mardi Gras25 Ash Wednesday 2627 Winter Programming Ends 28 Wear purple, green and gold Day Family Literacy Partners’ Breakfast Pancake Luncheon Pride in Food Service Week Random Acts of Kindness Week Character Counts: Respect
March 2009 Dental Health Month SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 12 Dr. Seuss’s Birthday 3 Dr. Seuss’s Birthday Party Luncheon 456 Dentist Day 7 Spring Program Begins Brush your Teeth at School Day 8910 ABC’s of 2 nd Hand Smoke 1112 School Dismiss Early St. Patrick’s Day Party CD Room Spring Begins 21 Wear Green Day Family Literacy National Doctor’s Day 31 New Staff Orientation FOF Celebrate your name week National Poison Prevention Week Character Counts: Respect
April 2009 Child Abuse Prevention Month SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1April Fool’s Day Palm Sunday 6 Chef Presentation Center Closed Easter1314ABC’s of 2 nd Hand Smoke 1516 Bring in your Favorite Stuffed Animal day 1718 SOS 2 nd Annual Tag Sale 1920 Volunteer Recognition Day 2122 Earth Day23 Administrative Professional Day 2425 Arbor Day Family Literacy -----Early Childhood Training (NEW staff)--- School Closed -----School Closed Administrative Professionals Week National Volunteers Week Character Counts: Trustworthiness
May 2009 Mental Health Month SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 345 Cinco de Mayo 6 National Teacher and Nurses Day 7 Center Closed 8 Center Closed 9 Mothers Day Celebration and luncheon 10 Mother’s Day 1112 ABC’s of 2 nd Hand Smoke 1314 National Receptionist Day RIF Event21 Dress like an animal day 22 Partners’ Breakfast Center Closed ( Memorial Day Celebration) Family Literacy 29 Salisbury Zoo Field Trip Spring Programming Ends Teacher Appreciation Week FOF Spring Training National Police Week Character Counts: Caring
June 2009 National Safety Month SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 Summer Program Begins 23 Wear Your Favorite Sunglasses Day Staff/Family Picnic Flag Day Celebration Flag Day1516 School Last Day Early Dismissal 17 Father’s Day Celebration/ Luncheon Summer Begins 21 Father's Day 2223 ABC’s of 2 nd Hand Smoke 2425 Family Literacy Character Counts: Fairness and Citizenship