Participation in the development of certification tests for LCG/GLITE Galaktionov V.V. The works presented in the report are executed in accordance to plans of JINR participation in project SA3/EGEE and INTAS During my trips to CERN I participated in the development of the certification tests for LCG/GLITE. All works were carried out in CERN and partially in JINR, in a various degree with together with colleagues of CERN Main requirement for these tests: its must be carried out under control of the automatic system SAM,Service Availability Monitor. This means: the programs of tests are starting with SAM always, the tests use the specific input parameters from SAM (VO name, VOMS server, LFC server etc.) preparation output results (informative messages, diagnostics and the completion codes) on the specific standards
Requirements for the test: Separate test program for each option parameters The preparation of output results in the HTML format For including of test programs in SAM it was necessary to use language of shell BASH Finally all developed executive programs, definition and configuration files must be recorded in the archives in the standard CVS, Concurrent Versions System and TWIKI
Each of the tests has their scenario: the main condition for each scenario is meant empty VO; creation of environment (creation of groups, roles, attributes, the registration of user); the execution of operation; checking operation results; destroying of environment an clearing VO Depending on the used operation scenario can be simple or very complex voms-admin --vo=$vo_name -h $voms_host dismiss-role "$GROUP $ROLE $USER
During the first trip in CERN (2.5 months) the first task was the creation of tests for the operations of the administration of virtual organization (operation voms-admin). There are 2 versions of this procedure: with the use of a WEB interface; with the use command mode CLI, Command Language Interface As a result of this task 30 programs were developed, its were included in SAM and CVS.
During the second trip in CERN (1.5 months) I was accomplished the second task: the development of tests for the user command voms-proxy-init - generation of proxy certificate. As a result of this task 20 programs were developed, its were included in SAM and CVS.
It’s necessary to note that some tests were developed in the remote mode, working in Dubna. These are tests for checking of the new possibilities for the administrative operations for VOMS: the operations with the new parameters “attributes” of the command voms-admin, included in VOMS in January of this year. 12 programs were developed, its were included in SAM and CVS
During the third trip in CERN (1.5 months, autumn 2008) I was accomplished the next task: the development of tests for the Data Management - testing LFC, LCG File Catalogue first part: integration of existing developer’s tests into SAM (author R. Harakaly) second part: development of the new tests for LFC by using CLI commands As a result of this task more 35 programs were prepared and were included in SAM, CVS and TWIKI
During the last trip in CERN (2 months, this year) I was accomplished the next tasks: 1.modifying my old VOMS test for new versions VOMS server and gLite 3.1. Most tests was changed successfully for new conditions, except tests concerning ACL options. 2.trying integration of existing DCACHE tests, package dCacheTestSuite, developed ay DESY, into CERN SAM. This attempt was not very successful, because these tests were checked only for DESY LAN and most of these tests were worked non stabile in WLAN CERN-DESY. Only 5 tests (from 23) were worked stabile and its were prepared in SAM standard.