2 Homeroom Expectations (Room 309 ) Be in the classroom before the second bell or you will be marked absent. No talking during morning announcements and the pledge. Return absentee slips signed by a parent / guardian within 2 days. Must be returned to me, not the office
3 Homeroom Objectives Attendance Volunteer to take absentee to the office See the board to review any materials that must be filled out by your parent / guardian and returned. Review student handbook. (page 5,23)
4 Mr. Holland Rules and Procedures Room 309
6 Rules 1. Respect others, yourself and my classroom
7 2. Listen to and follow directions the first time they are given.
8 3. Bring all needed materials to class (Book, pen/pencil, notes) everyday.
9 4. No personal grooming during class time
10 5. Raise your hand for permission to speak or get out of your seat.
11 6. No cell phones
12 Consequences 1.Warning 2.Will be asked to stay after class 3.Detention (non write up) 4.Call Home 5.Write up If you skip number 3 then we go directly to 4 and 5
13 Assigned Seats Sit in the seat according to the seating chart posted. Remain in assigned seats unless otherwise directed by the teacher. Seat changes are made at the discretion of the teacher.
14 Signal When I ring the cow bell it is an indication that you should immediately stop what you are doing, face me and listen for further instruction.
15 Textbooks You are responsible for covering and caring for the appropriate use of your textbook at all times. You must pay for all damaged textbooks or equipment. You have 1 week to get your book covered If during the year I see your book uncovered you will receive a 1 day warning to cover it. If it remains uncovered 2 points will be removed per day.
16 Missed Assignments All missed handouts can be found online on my website If you miss a day of school it is your responsibility to stop in outside of class for any clarification on what you missed. Good times to catch me are: 4 th and 6 th period After school
17 Late Assignments If you fail to complete a major assignment (anything worth 40 points or more) you will be required to use study halls, lunch detentions and after school detentions until the project is complete. I will call home and inform your parents on the requirements as needed.
18 Grading 93 – 100 = A = B = C = D 69 = F
19 Classroom Materials Responsible for the cleanliness of your work space. When you leave the room should look the same as when arrived.
20 Classroom Procedure 1.Quietly complete classroom warm up question. 2.Check board for any beginning instructions. 3.Lesson /Activity 4.Check Homework board before leaving. 5.Clean up. 6.Wait for Mr. H to dismiss you before leaving.
21 Dismissal THE TEACHER WILL DISMISS YOU NOT THE BELL! “Push in your chairs and have a nice day!”