Parent’s Meeting January 12, 2015
Agenda for parent meeting Objectives of the Athletic Department Eligibility for Athletic Participation Academic Eligibility Requirements for the NCAA Athletic Polices and Procedures Review of Policies for the school year Parental expectations Sports season and introductions of coaches Dunbar Athletic Booster Club information Transportation
Objectives of the Athletic Department To teach the concept of teamwork. To develop good sportsmanship To enhance the interactions skills of each student athlete To teach students how to be successful through preparation and hard work. To develop desirable health habits
Eligibility Physical on file in Athletic office Must be dated after June 15,2014 Notarized parent consent on file in Athletic office Insurance on file in the Athletic office School time coverage -- $6.00 For any sport except football and soccer − For football -- $43.00 − For Soccer – …continued
Eligibility (cont.) Copy of each athlete’s birth certificate Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors must have at least a 2.0 G.P.A Incoming freshmen must be promoted to 9 th grade. Freshmen must have a 2.0 after the first semester of The emergency athletic card must be complete and on file with the athletic secretary. Student will not be able to participate in athletics if he or she is 19 years and nine months old before the season begins.
Eligibility Cont’ After all information is completed and checked by the Athletic secretary and Athletic Director, the student will be cleared to practice and participate. Each student will receive a clear to practice form to give to the coaches before he or she can practice.
Academic Eligibility Requirements for NCAA If you are a senior and you wish to participate in athletics or receive an athletic scholarship during your first year of college you must: Graduate from high school Earn a combined SAT or ACT score that matches your core-course grade point average.
Academic Eligibility Requirements for NCAA The 16 core courses are; 4 years of English 3 years of math(Algebra 1 or higher 2 years of natural or physical science(including one year of lab science if offered) 1 year of English math or natural or physical science 2 years of social science and 4 years of extra core course( from any category above or foreign language You must complete the 16 core course requirements within four consecutive academic years
Athletic Policies and Procedures Team Membership Changing sports and participation in multiple sports Discipline, Suspension and dismissal of student athletes Concern Parent Policy Practice and Game Attendance Equipment and Uniforms Awards and Varsity letters Unsportsmanlike Conducct
Team Membership If selected to participate on a team, the athlete is considered a member of that team unless he or she is removed by disciplinary reasons, scholastic ineligibility or mutual agreement between player and coach. There is no guarantee that you will play every game or match ’ You must complete the season to be eligible for an award during that season’s award banquet. If an athlete is removed for the team for discipline reasons, scholastic ineligibility or mutual agreement between player and coach, he or she will not participate in the awards banquet at the end of the season.
Participation in multiple sports during the same season If an athlete thinks he or she can play two sports within the same season, the athlete must secure permission from both coaches as well as the Athletic Director. These permissions must be obtained BEFORE the athlete begins practice with the second sport.
Changing sports and participation in multiple sports No athlete who is removed or removes himself or herself from a team shall be permitted to begin practice with another sport until the season of the sport in which the athlete left has reached completion of its season. Completion of a season is defined as the completion of inter scholastic contests. (This includes post district, regional and state playoffs)
Discipline, suspension and dismissal from teams. A student athlete can be discipline, suspended and dismiss from the sports program by the following personnel: The Principal or any his designee( Assistant Principal) The Athletic Director The Coach of the sport Parent decision
Discipline, suspension and dismissal of a student athlete If the student athlete makes a choice not to obey School or team rules. The student will be discipline by the coach if it’s a minor offense. If it’s a major offense the student will be suspended from athletics until a parent conference with the Athletic Director, Coach and Parent.
Discipline, suspension and dismissal from teams At the parent conference, the incident will be discuss and a decision will be made if the suspension from athletics will continue or the student will be dismiss from the team and participating in athletics for that season.
Concerned Parent Policy As a parent or guardian, if you believe you have a concern with a coach’s decision or action you should: At the next practice, CALMLY have a conference with the coach. DO NOT DISCUSS IT BEFORE,DURING OR AFTER A GAME. If the problem is not resolved, schedule a conference with the Athletic Department Secretary. This conference will include the coach, the athlete, the athlete’s parent and the Athletic Director. We will have parent conferences during the season not during off-season workouts. If this conference does not resolve the problem, contact the principal’s secretary to schedule a conference. This conference will include the coach, the athlete, the athlete’s parent, the Athletic Director and the Principal of Dunbar High school.
Practice and Game Attendance A student must be present at school for two of four classes to participate in practice or a game. All students must ride the provided team bus to and from away games and competitions. If there is a pre-arrangement with the principal or athletic director, the student may leave with only a parent after a game or competition. This arrangement should be completed 24 hours before the game or competition. The arrangement should be a written request. All athletes is expected to go to practice after school. They are not to wander the halls before or after practices
Equipment and uniforms Equipment checked out to an athlete is the athlete’s responsibility. If the equipment is damaged or stolen, the athlete will be held financially responsible for the equipment. Bags are considered equipment. Don’t use them as book bags, they will wear out and you will pay to replace it.
Equipment and uniforms Con’t THE ATHLETE is responsible for all uniform parts issued to them on game day and for making sure the uniform is turned in after the game. Warm-ups are considered uniform parts.
Awards and Varsity letters To receive a varsity letter or an award at the minimum you must participate in at least half of the games played. Some sports required you to participate in more games or to earn a certain number of points. To receive your letter or award you must complete the season and then attend the sports banquet. If you can not attend you will have to file an appeal to the Athletic Director.
Award and varsity letters The first varsity sport you participate in you will receive a “D” You are eligible to buy your varsity jacket after earning your first “D” the price of the jacket is $150
Sportsmanship(Unsportsmanlike Conduct) It is an expectation for all student athletes to be role models during and after athletic competition. It is an expectation for all student athletes to be respectful and manner able to players, coaches and officials at all times. Students can be declared ineligible and fined by the FHSAA for Gross unsportsmanlike conduct. First ejection of a student athlete : One game suspension for football or two games for other sports Second ejection of a student athlete during school year- Six week suspension Third ejection of the same year-suspension for the year Fourth ejection of the same year- Suspension for entire career. The consequences are severe with fines up to $250 and six weeks suspension. Any monetary fine incur by a student to the school will be paid by the student or parent.
Review of Policies for school year Each school should have a peer conflict action plan in place for athletics Pre game meal policy of school year
Peer conflict plan for Athletics for Dunbar High School If there is a physical or verbal peer conflict between a student athlete of Dunbar High School and another student athlete from an opposing team during a game, match or meet. All students athletes from Dunbar High School will be required to stay on the bench or designate area that’s assigned to the team during an inside game or match
Peer conflict plan for Athletics for Dunbar High School All student athletes from Dunbar High School will be required to take a knee and /or stay on the bench or designated area that assigned to the team when the game, match or meet occurs outside on the field or stadium.
Pre Game meals Policy for On March 5, 2012, the Dunbar Athletic Booster Club reviewed the policy for pre- game meals. The incoming revenue was not sufficient to reimburse the school the full amount. This obligation prevented the booster club from help other areas of athletic need such as summer camps and leagues, uniforms, transportation for spring sports teams and lodging for regional and state track meets in the spring season
Pre Game Policy of Each student athlete’s parent will be responsible for a $2 per game meal cost. If parents decide to prepare pre- game meals for the teams, the head coach and parent will determine assigned games based on the athletic schedule. It is your choice to select the modification option of the pre-game meal policy
Parent meeting for pregame meals Baseball and softball- January 13 th 7:00 pm Track and Tennis- January 14 th 7:00 pm These meetings will last for 30 minutes to talk about pre-game meals for each team.
Sports Seasons(intro of coaches Spring Sports(Jan- May) Softball Baseball Track and Field (Boys) Track and Field ( Girls) Tennis (Boys) Tennis (Girls)
Parental Expectations Support your student athlete! Be an active member of the Dunbar Athletic Booster Club. To help and participate in all fundraising activities of the athletic Department. Attend Dunbar Athletic Booster Club meetings each month. Model good sportsmanship during games. Be a role model for your student during practices and games.
Dunbar Athletic Boosters Club The major supporter of the Athletic Program at Dunbar High School We need parents to become members of the Dunbar Athletic Booster Club.
We must support the fund- raising activities of the Booster Club. Concessions at home games Hooters voucher program for athletics Eighth Tiger Golf Classic April 25, 2015 Heritage Palms
Dunbar Athletic Booster Club meeting dates January 12 February 2 March 2 April 6 May 4
Eighth Annual Tiger Golf Classic April 25, Major Fundraiser Best Ball scramble and $70 per player that include green fees, cart, refreshments and prizes We need golfers, sponsors and hole sponsors, gifts and prizes for the golfers.
Transportation After practice bus for fall sports Monday - Friday The bus leaves at 5:30 p.m. All students will need an activity bus pass to ride the bus -New policy effective- -Students will be dropped off to the nearest high school to his/her bus stop. Transportation
General Information Athletic Director School number Cell number Cell number
“ Achievement is the Expectation ” Have a record- breaking year