Welcome to Room 132! This PowerPoint will loosely follow your syllabus. It will also highlight some important facts that you need to know in order to be successful in this class, such as… Expectations Rules & Procedures Classroom Setup Syllabus
First Off: Who is My Teacher? Hello! I am Ms. Russ. This is what I prefer to be called. I teach English 1, 2 and ELD 1 BA in Creative Writing from UCR Credential from the University of Redlands Taught ESL for 2yrs and was a substitute for 2yrs I love: teaching, writing, reading, painting, and my babies! Relax! You’re in good hands. =)
Important Info Teacher: Ashley Russ Room: Website: See staff directory on the school website Classroom Facebook: Use my to find me: Prep period: 3 rd Tutoring: I am available afterschool. My only request is that you let me know you’re coming ahead of time (whenever possible) so I can plan my day accordingly. Thanks!
Our Classroom Front of the room: Rules, Teacher Tray, Agenda, Board, CCSS, My Books Right Side: Word Wall, Essential Question, Themes, Etc. Back: Student Library (we will discuss later how to utilize this), Bookshelf, Supplies, Homework Trays, Pink Slips, Slacker Slips Left Side: Your Mustang Pride Wall! ’Cause you’re awesome!
Rules & Expectations Grab Your Syllabus “What do I need to know to stay on my teacher’s good side?” Students will respect their teachers and their peers at all times. Students will respect all the materials within the classroom. Students will RESPECT what we are learning at all times. Students will bring all materials to class every day. Students will refrain from eating or drinking within the classroom (except water). These rules govern the behavior permitted in this class and encompass a broader array of actions that are acceptable. Please see the list of consequences on your syllabus.
Procedures “ How do I…When can I…” We use procedures in a variety of ways in our daily life. For example, the procedure for when to ask your mom for something may be to wait until she’s come home and relaxed from work for at least 30 mins… How do we move about the classroom in a productive and respectful way? These are different from rules
Your Attention Please There may be times when you are working and I will need to get your attention. Depending on the noise level, I will need to get your attention in one of two ways: 1. “May I have your attention please.” For when the noise level is low or non existent. 2. Me: “Class, Class.” You Respond: “Yes, Yes.” For when the activity permits the noise level to be higher. For both attention getters, you must STOP whatever you are doing and listen up! Teacher Hint: If the class phone should ring, please immediately end your conversation. The phone call may be an emergency.
Procedure: Entering the Classroom “What do I do first?” You’re off to a great start, class! Earlier, you found your seats quickly & quietly. Remember: Be in your seat BEFORE the bell rings—Not doing so=tardy Finish your conversation outside—When you walk in, you’re saying, “I’m ready to get to it!” (Teacher Hint: I’m a stickler for this one!) Take all materials out of your backpack—backpacks/extra stuff under chair Immediately look at the agenda and start the warm up! You will usually have ten minutes or less to complete the warm up. Teacher Hint: This is not the time to come ask me questions, as I will be working on my own administrative procedures
Tardiness “But what if I’m tardy?” Quietly put your hall pass in my Teacher Tray Teacher Hint: Passes need to be in pen, have your name, date, where you came from and be signed by an appropriate teacher or administrator No pass? Fill out a pink slip and put it in the Teacher Tray I will not stop class to catch you up…check out the agenda
Pink Slips “A what?” Found above the homework trays Pink slips are used for one thing: Correcting Behavior If you get one or must fill one out, I WILL NOT discuss it during class. You must come during lunch or after school to discuss your concerns…
Slacker Slips “Yeah, so, my goat ate my homework.” Found above the homework trays Fill one out and put it in the homework tray—Do NOT put it in the regular stack of homework/classwork when it’s collected
Passing Out & Back Papers “Hey, hey, here ya go!” You each have a unique number which will be your number this semester—Always put that number in the very top right hand corner of your paper Papers will be collected in a column and row fashion
Papers “What do you need to know, Ms. Russ?” Your Number Your Name Your Teacher Class Name Date Title of Assignment
Closing I dismiss the class, not the bell If you pack up early, I may ask you to remain behind to clean I will give the dismissal cue by stating, “You may pack up.” You will have two minutes to: gather your things, return borrowed materials, look around your desk area for trash, WRITE HW if you haven’t already Then I will say: Class, Class. Please respond, Yes, Yes, so that I know you are ready to hear my closing reminders. This is not the time for chit-chat. When the bell rings, wait until you hear me say: “Have a great day” before proceeding to the door. I will not dismiss you until it’s quiet. Thanks!