WELCOME TO A HISTORY OF THE VIETNAM WAR Mr. O’Rourke Onondaga Central Schools
FOREWORD Welcome to Mr. O’Rourke’s class. My expectation is that you will try your best at all times, participate in discussions and be respectful to others. I am a great teacher, you are all very smart, together we will learn a lot. Positive attitude is the key of success. Let’s keep it all the time.
A History of the Vietnam War This is a one semester course on the history of the Vietnam War. Students will examine the causes for the Vietnam War, The war itself its legacy, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A History of the Vietnam War We will look multiple perspectives using a variety of sources. Students will be required to complete projects and activities that show their understanding of the course material. These include movie reviews, book reviews, a Web quest and analysis of music and poetry from the era.
A History of the Vietnam War The class will consist of video presentations Lecture Reviewing documents from the era These will help us to gain knowledge of why decisions were made
Why does Vietnam matter? The first televised war The war was fought in American living rooms as much as it was in the jungles of Southeast Asia America’s longest war Over 59,000 Americans died 2 nd most after WWII Impacts policy making today Most members of our government were impacted by the war in some way
Objectives To introduce students to fundamental differences between American and Vietnamese culture and society To understand the geography of Southeast Asia and Vietnam in particular To examine the effects of the Vietnam War on American society and culture To attempt to understand the experience of the American soldier in Vietnam.
Objectives To analyze theories as to why the United States was unsuccessful in Vietnam To analyze the major battles of the Vietnam War To apply the lessons of Vietnam to today’s wars in Afghanistan and Iraq To interpret poetry, music and film from the Vietnam War era. To analyze Hollywood’s version of the Vietnam War
Student Expectations Be on time for class Bring notebook and folder to class Be courteous to all students and teacher Participate in classroom discussion Complete all projects and activities assigned Hand in all assignments in a timely fashion
Grading: Quizzes and projects20% Book and Movie reviews 20% Class Participation and class work30% Final Exam 20% Web quest10%
Course Outline: Geography and Culture of Vietnam Cold War Roots of the Vietnam War The first Vietnam War Ngo Dinh Diem, America’s Mandarin LBJ Goes To War: America Takes Charge: America’s Enemy Tet: 1968 Vietnamizing the War: Cambodia and Laos Peace is at Hand : Home front USA The End of the Tunnel: Legacies
DURING INSTRUCTION Listen to the teacher with full attention. No pencil sharpening, talking, or whispering. No bathroom breaks. Take notes as necessary. Ask permission to speak by raising your hand. Ask questions related to the subject. Other questions which are not related to the subject can be asked after instruction. After instruction, make sure you understand the concept. If not, ask questions by mentioning which part you didn’t understand.
WHILE YOU ARE WORKING Make sure you read or listen to the directions about your work and understand them. If you didn’t understand, ask help from other students sitting around you. If they also don’t understand, ask to the teacher to explain it. If you are asked to help, be polite and kind and offer your best. Talking to each other should be no louder than a whisper. The person sitting on the other side of the room should not be interrupted by your noise. Respect each other and be friendly. Use your time wisely. Put forth your best effort to finish your work on time.
Movie Reviews Each student will choose two movies from the attached list. Write a one page paper that includes: Short introduction to the movie (Director, Year, Fiction/Non-Fiction) Review how the movie was critiqued Overview of movie Explanation of the historical accuracy/inaccuracy of the movie Conclude with opinion on the movie critiques
Book Review Each student will write one book review during the semester. Students will review the book of their choosing from the list provided. A student may pick a different book with teacher approval. The book selected must cover some aspect of the history of the Vietnam era. The book review must be approximately 2-3 pages in length. review should summarize the contents of the text, analyze the author’s intentions and biases place the work into some historical context critically evaluate the books strengths, weaknesses and ultimate worth.
Other Assignments Web quest: We will complete a web quest in the school library; more details will follow at the time of the assignment. There will be three projects assigned during the semester that will be worked on in and out of class. Quiz and final exam. We will have periodic quizzes on the material covered in class. The Final will be include all material covered during the semester.
DISMISSAL We will work up to the bell most days. Clean your work area and take all garbage to the trash can. Wait for Mr. O’Rourke to dismiss you. The ring of the bell does not dismiss you. After you get permission to leave, collect your things and leave quietly. Thank You.
WHEN YOU ARE LATE Stand by Mr. O’Rourke’s desk. Inform him of your excuse or give him your tardy pass. Go to your seat quietly after you are given permission to do so. You will not be excused from any work you missed. Get the assignment from a classmate and do it at home.
WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT Get the assignments from your classmates and any worksheets from Mr. O’Rourke. Do the work at home. If you missed a test because of your excused absence, inform Mr. O’Rourke and arrange a time to make up the test after school. You will not be able to make up any work if you have an unexcused absence. You will get a “0” for those assignments.
Classroom Rules School-wide classroom rules are in your planner: 1. Bring all necessary materials to class. 2. Be in your seat when class begins 3. Always act and speak in an appropriate way. 4. Sit in your assigned seat everyday 5. Follow directions the first time they are given
CONSEQUENCES 1. Warning 2. Conference with Student 3. Detention 4. Parent Contact 5. Referral to Administration
Fire Drill Relax Follow directions from teacher Walk at all times Stay together Turn left out of room door Proceed down stair to outside door Line up at designated spot outside
Recycling All paper and bottles should be recycled Place all recyclables in blue trash can next to Mr. O’Rourke’s desk