Ms. Brodigan’s Classroom Rules and Routines 7 th Grade Language Arts
Classroom Rules 1. Be Safe – Keep hands and feet to yourself 2. Be Prepared – Have everything you need ready. Be in your seat working on the “Do Now” when the bell rings 3. Be Responsible – Complete all assignments and tasks. Follow directions. 4. Be a Learner- Strive for excellence!
Behavior Interventions/Consequences 1. Warning/Redirection 2. Think Time – Relocated/ Conference 3. Phone call home 4. Referral to counselor 5. Office referral
Daily Routine Once you enter the room you are expected to sit down in your assigned seat, clear off your desk and start working.
Daily Required Items 1. Composition Notebook 2. Loose leaf lined paper 3. Two sharp # 2 pencils 4. Agenda planner
Questions/Comments in Class Always raise your hand to be heard if you have a question or comment. Do NOT just blurt out comments and questions.
Class Dismissal I dismiss you NOT the bell. In order to do this the class must: All students must be sitting quietly in their seats. All materials must be put properly away.
Absences Try to avoid being absent Check the Events tab on my classroom website me with questions
Check Online grades often!!! This is how you see your current grades. I will update grades every Wednesday after school.
Please Donate to the Classroom Boxes of Kleenex Lined paper Pencils Markers/Colored Pencils