mercredi, le 29 août
Prénom Nom F I-7 29/08/12 Prénom Nom F I-7 29/08/12 (title) 20 Sentences about myself_________ USE BLUE OR BLACK INK ONLY! Wide rule paper! Write legibly! #13
Les règles de la classe! 1. Students must ARRIVE ON TIME, BE SEATED AT THE BELL! Students will be counted tardy if they’re running into the classroom as the tardy bell rings. Book, Binder, Bootie at the Bell! 2. Students must CHECK THE BOARD, GET OUT H/W & PASS UP HOMEWORK, or START WARM-UP OR NOTES –Remember: INK ONLY & FULL HEADING/NUMBER. 3. Students must raise their hand to speak, and it must related to what we are learning & appropriate, unless I have called upon you to speak. 4. Students must raise their hand to ask to get up for kleenex, trash a pass etc. Students are to stay in desk and room at the dismissal bell until I dismiss the class. 5. NO Passes UNTIL END OF CLASS unless it’s an EMERGENCY! Use the TIME OUT sign and I’ll nod YES or NO. You are allowed just ONE pass per week!
6. NO GUM! NO GUM! NO GUM!!! Should a student chew it, it’s an “N” in conduct. After that, it’s a write up for NON-COMPLIANCE! NO food, drink, candy, water bottles…nothing OUT!!! Students must eat at lunchtime only! 7. No electronic devices, musical devices, CD players, mp3 players, no wires, playing cards, grooming in class, or sleeping in class. EAR BUDS are OK when we get the tablets. 7. No electronic devices, musical devices, CD players, mp3 players, no wires, playing cards, grooming in class, or sleeping in class. EAR BUDS are OK when we get the tablets. 8. Students must turn in work at top of the class, not when we are learning new material. If you have it, it’s a 100 for completion or if I grade it, it starts at 100. If the student does not don’t have it, he/she MUST submit a blank paper with title of the work-with both his your name/number on it anyway, and then he/she will get a ZERO. The next day when the student turns it in, it’s worth a If the student is absent, he/she gets ONE day for each day absent to make it up the work. ALL MAKE UPS AND RE-TESTS are done by appointment with me within 5 days of grade notification. I can be here 6:45 to 7:25 on Tuesday, or by appointment, or you can schedule with another foreign language teacher. 10. If the student earns a 74 or less, after getting the results, he/she will have within 5 school days to re-test. The student must do a teacher review and/or see me for tutoring & then make their appointment. If that test is not successful, see me for grade repair, which is only allowed for tests. Sorry…not oral grades or projects.
F sentences in French about yourself due today! Signed syllabus & supplies due by Friday! 2. Heading/Rules PP 3. Le temps/saisons/mois/jours/nombres Un Jeu Next week: French 1 vocabulary & verbs
F 3 1. Donnez-moi: 20 phrases 2. Avez-vous des fournitures d'école ? le programme? 3. Le temps/saisons/mois/jours/nombres Un jeu! DÛ: Les fournitures, le programme-vendredi. La semaine prochaine: le vocabulaire du F 2!
F 1 1. Due today: 20 sentences about yourself. Early supplies & signed syllabus. 2.Powerpoint on Rules, Heading rules. Learn numbers *next slide 3. Video: ABC’s and numbers: &playnext=1&list=PL7B0153F9C3433BD3&f eature=results_video I french/school/nombres/numberguess.html 4. Game-2 truths and a lie
Les nombres