Welcome! Welcome!
9:05-9:25 Morning work, announcements, attendance Each student will have a Take Home Folder. This will serve as communication between home and school each day. Any notes to the teacher should be sent in the folder. Please note the “Bring Back to School” and “Keep at Home” stickers. Please empty folders each night. 9:30-10:00 - Morning Meeting Calendar routine High Frequency Words 10:00-10:45 – Writing Workshop Writing Time/Sharing
10:45-11:45 - Go Math! Curriculum 11:55-12:25 Lunch. We eat with 3 rd and 4 th grade. Cost: $2.20 for Lunch, $1.20 for Breakfast*. Payment Options: Send money in a sealed envelope marked with the student’s name and pin number. Make checks payable to GLSD Food Service. Pay online (see Cafeteria Prepay on the district homepage). There is an additional fee to pay online. Free & reduced lunch applications- please see Mrs. Koluder in the office. Small Group Reading & Math Students will receive personalized instruction at this time. This is a GREAT time to volunteer in the classroom!
4 lines to choose from: Packers- Please distinguish between a packed lunch and a snack. This can be very confusing for the children. Main Line: changes daily; please check the cafeteria calendar each morning. Sandwich Line: hamburger/cheeseburger/chicken patty/hot dog, and fruit or vegetable. Cheetos and Nacho Doritos are also available. Grab ‘n Go: Prepared chef salad with soup, Pizza Munchable, and Yo2Go. Each student has a personal pin number that is linked to their lunch account. Please begin practicing this number at home.
12:30-1:00 Recess We try to take the children to the outside playground as much as possible. Please mark coats/gloves/hats with your child’s name and be sure to follow the school’s dress code (no flip flops). When the weather does not permit us to have outside recess, we will play in our classrooms. PLEASE do not send any toys to school. 1:05-1:30 Down Time/Friday Fun Day/Title I Intervention Students may leave a blanket or towel at school to use during quiet time. We will send it home periodically to be washed. Please label it with your child’s name. We will all work on our behavior to participate in Fun Friday!
Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) provides financial assistance to states and school districts to meet the needs of educationally at-risk students. Students are selected for this program based upon district assessments. The goal of Title I is to provide extra instructional services and activities beyond the regular classroom. It is a flexible program; students will receive help as needed throughout the year. Title I Teachers: Mrs. Bryar Mrs. Chambers Mrs. Owens
1:30-1:45 – Storytown Whole Group Reading/Science Comprehension/Vocabulary On science days our comprehension focus will be on informational text. 1:45-2:25 Special: Art, Music, Gym, or Library Classes run on a 6 day rotation. A calendar will be sent home at the beginning of each month stating the schedule. In the event of a snow day, do not “count” that day. We will pick up right where we left off. Example: Monday Day 3 Tuesday Day 4 Wednesday Day 4 Thursday Day 5 Snow Day
2:30-2:40 Snack- Please send a small, healthy snack each day. We will have extra snack on hand in case you forget. If you are interested in donating that snack occasionally, please contact me. 2:40-3:00 – Storytown Whole Group Reading Phonics Phonemic Awareness 3:00-3:30 – Small Group Centers/Title I Support
3:50 Dismissal - During the first few weeks of school, we will greet the children and dismiss them from the lobby to ensure they are getting on the correct bus. Bus buddies – When we begin dismissing from the room, we sometimes assign bus buddies to lead the children. Car Kid – If you are bringing your child to/from school drop off and pick your child up in the Car Kid line (see map in Student Handbook). Teachers will be there to direct traffic. Please remember we care about the safety of all children. Please do not walk with your child to and from the classroom. Bus Issues: First consult the GLSD website or newspaper and then, if needed, call the director of transportation (724)
Reading Homework: Reading Homework Sheet- this will be sent home on Mondays to be completed throughout the week. Parents are to sign and return it to school on Friday. Sight Word Activities- this will be an envelope sent home once we begin our reading lessons. Use the activities to review the sight words this year. Math: Math Homework Sheet- this will be sent home at the beginning of each math chapter along with the School-Home Letter. The activities provided are a review to the skills being taught in each chapter.
Within the classroom, we follow a Green-Yellow-Red system. Green = sticker on behavior chart (great day!) Yellow = number on behavior chart (needed a few warnings) Red = Note explaining behavior. Must be signed and returned the next day. (unacceptable behavior) Learning to follow the rules is a BIG part of Kindergarten. Please reinforce the BES expectations at home!
Birthdays : Birthdays are very special days in kindergarten and your child will enjoy celebrating his/her birthday in school with friends. If you wish to send in a treat to celebrate your child’s birthday, please make sure it is here by 2:30 for snack time. Invitations to birthday parties will be distributed by teachers only if all boys, or all girls, or entire class is invited. We are not permitted to give out addresses or phone numbers. You may purchase a Birthday Basket from the cafeteria if you wish.
Absences: If your child is absent from school, an excuse is needed the day he/she returns. If an excuse is not turned in to the office within 5 days, the absence is considered an unlawful absence. Late Starts: We will have scheduled “late starts”. On these days, we will follow a modified schedule and children will come to school 2 HOURS LATER than their normal time. School will start at 11:05. We WILL eat lunch at school.
Snow Delays: When the weather is bad, we may have a 2 or 3 hour delay. You will receive a call from Global Connect informing you. Information will also be available on the district website and on the local news. We WILL eat lunch at school. On days that we have a 3 hour delay the children WILL NOT eat lunch at school.
Monthly Information: You will receive an information packet at the beginning of each month. If your child doesn’t bring one home, remind him/her to do so. This packet will consist of: Day Calendar: shows the six day rotation for the month and notes important school events. Important Information: Dates to remember, notes, and materials that are needed that you might want to donate. Scholastic Book order: You will also have the option to complete book orders online.
GLSD requires all volunteers to have their Criminal History and Child Abuses clearances for the safety of our students. The school district will pay for your clearances if you fill out the packet at school. The Criminal History clearance is returned directly to us. The Child Abuse clearance is sent to your home and you are responsible for making a copy and giving it to our building secretary. If you are interested in volunteering or attending field trips at ANY POINT IN THE YEAR your clearances MUST be filled out September 30 th. They will NOT be accepted later in the year.
BES Phone #: Cell Phone #:
We are looking forward to a great year!