For Substitutes
1. Search and accept jobs online at (You may also access Aesop from the Home page of the Sun West website – For Sub Teachers: If the absent teacher has uploaded lesson plans or other documents, you will be able to view them online once you accept the job! 2. Call in to the Aesop at We recommend calling in to check the computer recording of your name by pressing Option Aesop will also make phone calls to substitutes to offer jobs. 3 Methods to Make Jobs Available to Subs
You may access Aesop from the Home page of the Sun West website on the left menu bar.
Your name will appear in the black menu bar across the top. The # of available jobs for the next 30 days are shown in the green circle. Select ‘Help’ to access the Learning Centre
Substitute Learning Centre You may read articles or watch videos about Aesop
Days available for you to accept are shown in dark green. Days you have accepted to sub are shown in light blue.
4 Tabs are Shown on the Home Page accessed when you login (or by selecting the ‘House’ icon, top left.) You may view Available Jobs, Scheduled Jobs, Past Jobs and Non Work Days
‘Available Jobs’ are listed including the Teacher’s Name, Date, Time and Location.
You may ‘accept’ or ‘reject’ a job by selecting either button
‘Scheduled Jobs’ tab shows all jobs you have accepted.
‘Past Jobs’ shows all jobs you have already worked.
On the ‘Non Work Days’ tab, you may ‘Add Non Work Days’ for any days that you are unavailable to sub.
You may select single dates, a range of dates, and may repeat for every day or for every Mon, Tues, etc.
All Non Work Days will show under this tab. If your plans change and you are now available, you may remove a non work day by selecting Remove.
Non Work Days are shown in gray shading on the calendar.
Select a Green date on the calendar to view the drop down with details about the absence. You may ‘accept’ or ‘reject’ a job directly from the calendar.
The ‘Accepted Job’ changes from dark green to light blue on the calendar.
You may select a job on the calendar that you have agreed to fill and select ‘Cancel Job’ if you no longer are able to fill.
After selecting ‘Cancel Job’ you will get a Confirmation Screen to confirm you want to cancel.
After accepting or cancelling a job, the black bar appears across the top of the screen with the confirmation number. Select ‘Dismiss Message’ to remove the black bar.
Feb 5 is now shown with no highlighting. The cancelled job is no longer available for you to select.
Under Preferences Tab you may update : Personal Information (phone number - Login ID) Change your Pin # Add Preferred Schools Edit the Call Times Turn off Calling
Under Preferences you will find: Personal Info, Change Pin, Schools and Call Times.
Select Schools by adding a check in the box beside each school you are interested in seeing sub jobs in. Select ‘ Show me assignments at the schools selected’.
After selecting schools, the ‘Cancel’ and ‘Save’ buttons appear. Select ‘Save’ to save changes. Consider adding colony schools as they are often short of subs.
School Division Call times are shown. To Accept phone calls for jobs, ensure ‘Yes’ is selected.
To Edit Call Times for certain days or for all days, select ‘Edit’. Aesop calls from Sunday afternoon until Friday morning. No calls Friday evening or all day Saturday.
You may turn off calling on certain days or limit call times. For example, limit calling until after 7 am and before 9 pm. You can apply these settings to all days, or to specific days (Mon to Fri)
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