C LASSROOM RULES & GUIDELINES During Class You are responsible students respect one another and their property classroom and school property Listen to … directions and instructions peer questions and opinions During class instruction do not sharpen pencils, throw trash away, or get a drink of water raise your hands for permission. If caught cheating you will receive a zero talking during an assessment is considered cheating Bathroom Passes no passes take care of business before school, during specials, and lunch My desk is off limits! never place assignments or papers on my desk with out my permission.
C LASSROOM RULES & GUIDELINES End of Class The clock does not dismiss you from class, I do! Listen to closing directions! Helpers will collect folders and materials. Quietly pack your belongings. Pick-up trash around your desk. The custodians and I are not your maid. Line up in designated area and wait to rotate to next class.
C ONSEQUENCES First Consequence Fill out “Behavior Reflection Form” during lunch. Second Consequence Fill out “Behavior Reflection Form” during lunch. “Behavior Reflection Form” is sent home and needs to be returned with parent signature Third Consequence Request a parent/teacher/student conference and work on a positive solution to the issue at hand. Fourth Consequence Sent to office for insubordination of PBIS rules and guidelines.
C ONSEQUENCES Principal’s Office Students can and will be sent at anytime Severe infractions but not limited to the following insubordination disruption to the educational process of a classroom and students core classes or specials Fighting and inappropriate language in or out of the classroom
T HIS YEAR WE WILL … Work daily with grammar & spelling to build our speaking skills to become effective writers to discover a way to share our lives/experiences with the world Create a variety of writing pieces by using the correct writing process personal narratives argumentative informational and explanatory functional
T HIS YEAR WE WILL … Explore sources print reliable internet sources Keep track of time complete writing pieces in a specific amount of time Publish Your written words are powerful, and deserve to be shared with others!!
H OW WILL WE ACHIEVE OUR GOALS ? Working together! safe environment to make mistakes safe environment to share safe environment to grow Allowing yourself to enjoy the process Education is a gift!
W HAT NEEDS TO BE DONE FOR A SMOOTH CLASS … Come to class ready to work. Come to class ready to share. Come to class with a positive attitude!! “ Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” –Thomas A. Edison
HOUSEKEEPING Pencils Come to class with at least one sharpened pencil! If your pencil breaks, there are sharpeners located in your tables middle basket. Absolutely no getting out of your seats during class to sharpen pencils! Books You are welcomed to borrow books during appropriate times. sign book out return book in basket
HOUSEKEEPING Paper located on cabinet at the front of room do not waste time when getting paper Baskets The tools in the baskets are for every class. Do not remove the tools from the room.
L ET ’ S GET STARTED !!! Take some time to think about writing. Some thoughts could include the following… Why do you write? Why do you think it’s important to become proficient writers? What can writing do for you?
BINDERS Unwrap the dividers, and put them in the binder. Write the following labels on the tabs 1. Spelling/Vocab 2. Grammar 3. Notes 4. Articles 5. Prewrite 6. Rough Draft 7. Editing 8. Final Copy