Facilitated Discussion--Personnel Issues and Policies John Thompson Gus Falkenberg January 23 rd, 2015
What’s the Goal? Better service! Happy employees! Less stress!
Who Does What?
Role of the Library Board Appoint a library director Approve job descriptions Approve compensation ranges Authorized library positions
Role of the Director Hires Trains Supervises Schedules Recommends job descriptions Recommends compensation ranges
Role of the Municipality Approve amount of annual appropriation Appoint Board members
Building Blocks
Policies Should include: Mission statement of the library Employment expectations Staff development and continuing education opportunities Evaluation and discipline processes (termination, grievance) Compensation Benefits You may simply use your municipality’s existing policies and adapt them as necessary.
Job Descriptions Keep them up-to-date Ask your municipality about boilerplate language and adapt it Non-discriminatory Don’t forget technology requirements when appropriate
Evaluations Conduct regularly Look backward – Review progress on last year’s goals – Nothing should be a surprise Look forward – Discuss changes to the job – Set new goals Write it down and get signatures
Hiring Review job description and adjust as necessary Review staffing structure and adjust as necessary If you have a committee, make sure everyone knows what is appropriate Use the same process every time
Firing/Grievances Don’t let problems linger (employee always late, etc.) Document It’s a first infraction until you write it down Follow the policy
Set Expectations
What do they need to know? All staff (or volunteers) should know What to do in an emergency Where the fire extinguishers are and how to use them When and how to evacuate the building What to do in a sever weather emergency How to answer the most basic questions: location of bathrooms and meeting rooms, library hours, how to get a card Everyone at circ or reference should be able to quickly locate An up-to-date copy of the library’s policies A copy of the library’s current budget The names of the library board members and information on meeting times Information about the library’s Friends group, if you have one Part 1 From Small Public Library Management, page 40
What do they need to know? Everyone at circ or reference should know When the library was built Where today’s programs and meetings in the library are being held The library’s policies on borrowing periods, renewals, and fines The URL of the library’s website, and the library’s and/or library director’s address How to handle complains about library materials How to handle requests for information by law enforcement officials What tax forms are available at the library How patrons can apply for any special services (homebound delivery, etc.) The library director should know The names of all library board members The names of the main elected officials in the library’s service area (mayor, county executive, town chairman, school board, etc.) and have contact information for each one The size of the library budget How to explain how library money is spent Part 2 From Small Public Library Management, page 40
How Much Responsibility? Be willing to share authority and responsibility Staff can get frustrated if they feel handcuffed when dealing with problem patrons You can be flexible in some cases with this Some employees consider extra responsibility a perk and some think you’re punishing them
Transitions/Changes When you’re new, prioritize your changes Involve staff and ask their opinions Address their concerns, don’t dismiss them
What’s the Goal? Better service Happy employees Less stress!
Resources Websites DPI FAQs Administrative Essentials – Chapter 3 – Who runs the library? Administrative Essentials - Chapter 11 – The library as employer The U.S. Department of Justice page on the ADA is U.S. Department of Labor compliance assistance with the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act Wisconsin labor and equal rights information: Professional Collection Small Public Library Management (very good) - Chapter 3 Training Library Staff and Volunteers to Provide Extraordinary Customer Service Running a Small Library - Chapter 8 Staffing for Results: a Guide to Working Smarter The Small Public Library Survival Guide: Thriving on Less - Chapter 10