This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered. MATH 090 – Spring 2014 Intermediate Algebra Bary W Pollack Computer Science Sierra Nevada College
2 Copyright © 2014 Bary W Pollack All rights reserved. Start: 000 Last updated: Jan. 18, Latest additions: 000
3 Agenda for today Administrivia –Adds, drops, call roll, etc. Course overview Go through the Syllabus –Homework, Tests, Final Exam –Textbook: Martin-Gay, 6 th Ed. (required) –Slides: (mirror)
4 Conventions The course slides are available as PowerPoint presentations The most recent version always will be at: (mirror) That web page always will tell you the date of the most recent update Words & phrases in RED are IMPORTANT
5 Conventions... A slide like this one – a continuation of a topic – always will have an ellipsis ( … ) in the title line Sometimes there are discrepancies in “rules,” etc. So the priority is: 1 Material presented in class 2 Material in the PowerPoint slides 3 Material in our textbook 4 Material from other sources
6 Basic Assumptions You have some experience with high school algebra – but it’s “rusty” I will NOT assume that you know or remember lots of details (or many details at all)
7 What we’ll cover this semester We will cover much of Intermediate Algebra... –Basic ideas, terminology, understanding what it all means –Linear equations and linear functions –Systems of linear equations –Exponential and logarithmic functions –Polynomial functions –Quadratic functions
8 What we’ll cover this semester... We will only cover Chapters 1-6, 8, and 9 in the Martin-Gay textbook
9 Doing the homework Homework will be assigned weekly… Start out doing the homework on your own… You may discuss the solutions among yourselves, if you run into trouble… But, you must submit your own, individual work Due at the end of the last class in the week
10 Jargon, background, speed,... Algebra is loaded with jargon –If you don’t know… ask… If you’re missing some background –Ask… you’re not alone Frequently I speak too fast –Ask me to slow down! Sometimes things aren’t clear –Ask me to review, clarify, repeat...
11 Syllabus Contains (almost) EVERYTHING you need to know… If you have a question – check the Syllabus, it’s very likely already answered Let’s go thru it NOW in detail – it’s a contract between you and me
12 A Brief Review Terminology and concepts Coordinates, plotting points Kinds of numbers – integers, fractions/rationals, reals, irrationals Absolute value Operations: + - * / ^ sqrt; order Distributive Law Linear equations
13 Starting the Course Go to Martin-Gay slides
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