December 18, 2002 Communication Preferences of Association of Lutheran Secondary Schools Shelley Novotny Director of Communications Concordia Academy - Roseville This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, hold down the control key and click the mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered.
Association of Lutheran Secondary Schools Supports and promotes effective leadership for Lutheran secondary schools Began in the 1970s 87 Schools in United States, Japan, and Hong Kong
The Issue Members are spread across the country and in two continents No home office Infrequent communication Unaware of member needs
Research Question Do the members of ALSS prefer electronic communication to print communication?
Research Interviews –New executive director –Current and former board members Created mail survey –Questions on types of information and preferred method of communication (print vs. electronic) –Sought preferred method of electronic communication ( vs. web site)
Survey Response Mail survey to all 126 members –58% response rate –5 to10 years = 13 respondents –11 to 20 years = 15 respondents –21-30 years = 20 respondents –More than 30 years = 25 respondents
Survey Results Preferred Internet communication on 11 out of 14 items including –Handouts/PowerPoint notes from ALSS conference presentations = 75% –Technology Resources = 80% –Leadership Resources = 67% –Regional network information = 86%
Print Preferences Conference registration = 67% Feature articles = 58% Best practices highlights = 55%
Electronic Preferences 63% prefer notification to seeking out information on a web site. 80% are comfortable with downloading files. 50% prefer to download a file in a PDF rather than read it in on screen.
Does experience impact preferences? 65% of members with 30 or more years of experience prefer printed communication. 33% of members with years of experience prefer printed. 21% of members with 1-10 years prefer printed.
Does size of school impact preferences? No correlation between school size and preferences. 75% of those in a school with 750 students or larger prefer printed newsletter.
Research Answer Yes, the members of ALSS prefer electronic communication to print communication.
Applying the Research Continue print and electronic communication Develop communication with launch of web site –Create address database –Increase opportunity for two-way communication
Follow-up Research Determine member satisfaction –Dialogue at annual conference –Surveys –Communications audit